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LIRQ Florence freezes when starting the flight

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It's such a nice scenery, but I can't start a flight at LIRQ Rwy. It loads normally, the intro cam works - but when I click on "start the flight" or wait till intro ends my sim freezes every time. CPU usage changes from normal 20-30% up to 60-66% - but nothing happens. I have to shut down the sim via task manager. No key works. Even ALT + Enter dosn't work. Completely frozen.

I have a very strong system, set to ultra (5GHz Intel, 64GB RAM, 2080 ti , - so that's not the problem) 


I tried different aircraft, day / night time / weather settings. There is no chance.

Then I startet a flight from another airport and flew to Florence - that worked well; also works by starting from parking position or florence city. It's just not possible for me to start the flight there from the rwy :(

Anybody else?

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Deleting/Deactivating my rolling cache did't worked.

I cutted of all other third party stuff in Community Folder and now it works well. So it's caused by another add-on. I will investigate which one makes problems by testing and tell you later; but first of all I'm gonna fly around that beautiful scenery ^_^

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I am having issues with Florence as well, it crashes the sim.  It is Ok if you fly to land there but not for departure.  I did delete rolling cache as per reply above but makes no difference.  I do not want to clear my community folder as everything else works just fine.  Orbx you have an issue with Florence and an update would be greatly appreciated please especially as a new product and only purchased today. 

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