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Highway night lights crossing through airport


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Hi everyone,

I have Vector and Open LC Europe installed in Prepar3D V4.5, and I believe my problem it is related to Open LC Europe files.


The new Istanbul Airport (LTFM), which is active since 2018 but not included as default in Prepar3D V4.5 and Prepar3D V5, has a highway crossing in the middle of the airport and the terminal area.

Although the addon photoreal zone masks the highway during daytime, the road lights remain visible during night time. This is my problem.

I tried changing the scenery order priority,  i.e. adding Layer=1 in addon.xml, but that had no effect on the road night lights.


What do you propose I can to do eliminate or suppress this part of the highway night lights?

Or can an update of Open LC Europe in this area be expected?


Thank you in advance for any support.




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I had encountered this before when I made a custom AFCAD for KFLL to extend runway 10R/28L to match the real-life airport's current configuration and was not quite able to figure it out.  Excluding the roadway does nothing and due to the way roads work in Vector, a small exclusion of a road can end up erasing several miles.


@Nick Cooper suggested in the thread linked below that the lights may in fact be autogen.  I haven't had occasion to test this theory, however, or if such an exclusion would exclude just the area in question or some much larger chain including areas you may not want to be excluded.


If I do get a chance to test this, is this the same LTFM which is available on the Turkish Virtual website?



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Thank you Doug and thank you very much Sabretooth, adding an "exclude polygon" (with SbuilderX, using the Exlude Tool) did the trick!  I had tried before an exlude rectangle, it didn't work, but digging deeper following your lead I solved it. Thanks again.

And no, this is a different LTFM :)

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