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Guest strider

Looks pretty ! But how does shy fly ? I hope you guys can simulate the stall buffet and criticle angles of attack stalls at any speed, along with fwd slips !

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Strike a light that is impressive!

Can I ask, those reflections in the gauges, are they 'real time' reflections as at YBBN or are they painted on to give the impression of reflection? Not that it really matters but you know, its the techno freak in me that wants to know..

Outstanding work on this, gawd I can't wait for you to start on the Jabiru though! I'm itching for that one sooooo bad....


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Strike a light that is impressive!

Can I ask, those reflections in the gauges, are they 'real time' reflections as at YBBN or are they painted on to give the impression of reflection? Not that it really matters but you know, its the techno freak in me that wants to know..

Outstanding work on this, gawd I can't wait for you to start on the Jabiru though! I'm itching for that one sooooo bad....


The gauge and window reflections are 'painted on' because having reflections operating on these surfaces is too destracting.

The reflective surfaces (like the metals and paints in the VC) use a custom built environment map similar YBBN's terminal windows.

This is still a beta though, so this might change if it's seen to be a better option. We are exploring everything we can think of to make this bird as cutting edge as we can.

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For many unfortunate reasons, life as thrown several curve balls my way lately, but this brought a smile to my face. Those look great. Especially the beloved Sandel! Do I ever miss the RXP one in FSX (was/is FS9). Such a great tool.

My ONE point I would like to raise... please... please make sure to nail the vc viewpoint! I believe you have access to the real plane so it should an easy thing to nail it. This is often my number 1 issue with many add-on's. I know developers want to showcase there great panels ALL the time  ;D:D

Really looking forward to this. Oh, and count me in for the ones voting for a non-3d knob GPS (or the option to swap in RXP gauges). But then again, maybe your Garmins will surprise us all.

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Some FPS comparisons:

Tamworth, all sliders maxxed including AI traffic, 2560x1600 resolution

Default R22 - 34.0 FPS

Bird Dog    -  31.2 FPS

Lancair IVP -  31.0 FPS

PMDG JS41 -  21.0 FPS

So in its current beta form it's -3 on the Robinson R22 and pretty much line ball with the Bird Dog. We expect FPS to go down by about -3 once the high poly modeling is done and the full avionics suite is done, so as a guide it will be R22 -6 compared to the JS41 which is R22 -13

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My ONE point I would like to raise... please... please make sure to nail the vc viewpoint! I believe you have access to the real plane so it should an easy thing to nail it.

There's hardly a plane in my collection that I haven't edited the viewpoint slightly.  What's right for a 6' 2'' pilot won't be right for someone who's only 5' 6". 

I will assume that you know how to edit the aircraft.cfg file to fine tune the eyepoint to your liking?  If not post here or pm me and I'll bring you up to speed...

EDIT:  As promised here's the details:

In the aircraft.cfg file (found in simobjects, then the folder of the aircraft you wish to modify)

you will find lines under the view menu similar to:


eyepoint=-3.90,-0.80,2.10  //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum

Most don't tell you what the figures mean, but this Carenado example helpfully does.

Basically the first figure is the position in front of or behind the point in the aircraft that is the reference point, and reducing this figure will move the eyepoint back.  Note that in this case it's a minus figure so reducing means a bigger minus figure)

Second figure is the left and right position, minus is left seat, plus is right seat.  Changing this figure to 0.80 would put me in the co-pilot's seat.

The third figure is the one normally changed, and relates to the height of the viewpoint.  In this case it has been set as 2.10 feet above the reference point.  Small increases or decreases are in order when changing this figure.  Initially if I wanted a slightly higher viewpoint I would try 2.30 or about 3 inches higher than the current setting.

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