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True Earth California, trees are too high and unrealistic


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@John Dow  Don't think your realized that this question was concerning TrueEarth which means it can't be MSFS related.  @milassure  You did not mention whether you were talking about TE Northern California or TE Southern California.  It is also important to note which kind of trees you are using.  Are you using Orbx HD Trees or the default Dynamic Trees or Terra Flora?  A picture demonstrating what you mean would be helpful.





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23 hours ago, milassure said:


Is there a way to have trees shorter in cities as it is not realistic !

Thanks by advance !




there is one tiny utility that used to make the default trees smaller in FSX.

While it did satisfy the demand for smaller tree models, it also had the unwanted effect of

making woods and forests look like brushland and was generally discarded by those who tried it.

I think that the best course of action is to suspend your disbelief, remembering that P3D v5 is still only a simulator.

If you feel that there are too many trees, then there is a slider that can be used to reduce the number.

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