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Barbados Coastline


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Hi Support,


Any ideas what could be causing this issue with the coastline in Barbados? 


Using the latest Orbx Global, Global Vector and OpenLC South/North America.


Scenery library ordering looks correct. Is it like this for everyone or an issue on my system only?




Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v4 with WideServer_ waiting for clients 31_08_2020 11_02_19 AM.jpg

Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v4 with WideServer_ waiting for clients 31_08_2020 11_03_08 AM.jpg

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4 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


if you can isolate its Vector component and disable just that, you will probably solve the problem.


Yep - that's my next step. Will let you know how we go

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Update: Caused by the file "tbpb_flatten.bgl".


However the airport elevation is messed up upon disabling the file. Could probably be fixed by creating a flatten in ADE for the airport perimeter to fix the issue. 

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