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Files Failed to Convert (True Earth Great Britain South)


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Hey there,

Just recently purchased True Earth Great Britain South, and unlike my other Orbx products, such as Northern California, the download did not work. A few minutes after clicking the download button, I would get a notification that the software had finished downloading. However, upon checking, I would get a message saying "files failed to convert" (see attached image). After clicking the verify files button multiple times, and even uninstalling and reinstalling, I would get the same message. If anyone could help, that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, and have a good day! 

Orbx Central 8_7_2020 3_49_20 PM.png

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Hi, welcome to the forums.


Please go to settings\downloader and clear the temp location.


Then go to the location you designated for backups and delete the products folder.


Then go to settings\help and run the sync simulator function.


Then try reinstalling

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Ciao Jon, thanks again, i've solved this issue installing every C++ library foundable ...

otherwise i've got another trouble... attached you can find the new error message... could you please help me one more time ?



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OK sorry about a problem remaining. Again this error message normally relates to disk space but I can see from your pics that this should not be the case with you.

I ask that you attach your new Orbx Central log file and we will get @Nick Cooper to move this to the Orbx central support forum to see if they can analyse the problem.

The Orbx Central log will now be different from the one you attached earlier as you have now made another installation attempt.

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Hi Jon , sir..  I too have problems with UK south.. have followed the instructions here .. with temp files and backup files cleared and simulator sync in help.. 

Reinstall of scenery it still have error converting files .. and verify fixes all.. but X-Plane 11.50 r3 crashes anyways !!??!?


please advise ..


kindly Erik






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Which drive have you freed up space on? How many drives have you got and which one is your Temp folder on and which is going to receive the installation, not the download?

It sounds like there is not enough room on the drive that has your Temp folder on it. The download needs to unzip and extract and then convert.

TEGB South requires at least 60-70GB to be free on the drive you are downloading onto and at least 140+GB on the drive you are installing onto. Those figures I give include leaving free space for the drive to operate properly which is in the region of 15% to be left free. and

You probably need to move your Temp folder to a larger capacity drive if you can. How to do that is by making a new folder on the larger drive and naming it Temp. Then going into Orbx Central/downloader and Editing the path to the new Temp  folder.

Prior to doing that though I suggest you again Clear the current Temp folder and delete any Backup


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Had the same problem with Washington, installing to Library on my V drive, was 308Gb free, Temp folder on C drive with 100Gb free, could not make it work. Tried the SD instead of HD and worked fine.  Not sure if it was a space related issue or something else.

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Hi.. a little feedback.  Have attached a HDD on USB to my system to check if it truely is space related. And made a Temp location .. NOW it works so for me it was due to lack of drive capacity ... and remember to clear both cache and resync the sim.. 


my issue is now solved ... thanks for assistance and feedback.





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@collinallison Hi and welcome.

There is no fix required as is outlined in the link about how to ensure gives all the necessary info.. You need to pay particular attention to the free space requirements both on the disk that has your Temp folder on it (normally C drive by default) and the disk you want to install onto, assuming it is not on C drive. If you only have a C drive then you will require at least 140GB of free space. If you have your Temp file on C drive and your installation is to another drive then your C drive needs at least 100GB free space and your installation drive will need at least 140GB. These figures are allowing for a percentage of free space top remain in order for the drive to work efficiently. You also need to take note of whether you have ticked the option to make a Backup copy and where that Backup copy is stored. These can be seen in the attached pic:




Here is the link and it tells you how to move your Temp folder to a more suitable location/drive if necessary, how to Clear your Temp folder, how to edit the path to your new Temp folder location and how to delete any Backup copy you may have suing up disk space.



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