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I recently purchased ESMS Malmo and ESGG Lemverder -Gothenburg I am intending to upgrade my system installing an additional SSD and increase RAM, will the new SSD "see"" 

the operating system simulator  IE P3DV4.5  and will I be able to add scenery from Orbx to my system utilising the new drive.


My second question is when downloading new scenery I note you get a choice of where to locate the the new scenery ie with thin P3D or another external scenery library it always says if unsire put it in the P3D location scenery library what are the pros and cons of scenery location library's when installing new scenery packages.


I ask this as my C Drive SSD (1TB) is up to 50% capacity and I am hoping if I chose i can still obtain any additional scenery I may want and use with P3D v4.5 

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Hello Charlie,

you can install your products into an Orbx Central Scenery Library if you wish.

The main advantage is that it can be anywhere on your PC, which would allow you

to move files off your C drive and free up space.

How to do this is covered in detail in the Orbx Central User Guide.

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Morning Nick,


Thanks for the info, where is a typical location for an Orbx Central Library, so any scenery in the Orbx Central Library just "sit" there and P3D see's them and access them when you may choose a scenery that is resident in the central library is that correct? so really ALL scenery could be migrated to the central library is that correct and no detrimental effects result?


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Morning Nick,


Thanks for the info, where is a typical location for an Orbx Central Library, so any scenery in the Orbx Central Library just "sit" there and P3D see's them and access them when you may choose a scenery that is resident in the central library is that correct? so really ALL scenery could be migrated to the central library is that correct and no detrimental effects result?


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I have a large drive with plenty of space, so I have created a folder named Orbx P3D Scenery Library

and made Orbx Central use this folder as the scenery library.

I would think that course of action is fairly typical.

Once you migrate a product into your library, it is gone from the P3D folder and moved to the

location that you chose.

P3D still sees it, it just uses a different method.

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Hi Nick,


How do I do that, ie create an Orbx Central Library wheres there plenty of space, presently I only have Qty 1 SSD IE C Drive, I thought the library wa created already in P3D add-Ons for example I have another 3 rd party scenery package resident there and enabled ie Gibralter.


I just went in to Orbx and my products listing I can see option to migrate to library but it says dont do this if scenery is working with no problems?.

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Hello Charlie,

the Orbx Central User Guide goes into detail on how to create an Orbx Central Library.

Indeed, if there is nothing wrong, it makes no sense to change anything.

However, your original question appears to be how could you best use your new SSD.

Creating the library on that and migrating your products to it would be a good use and

free up space on your C drive, which you wrote was your second aim.

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Morning Nick,


Thanks for the info, where is a typical location for an Orbx Central Library, so any scenery in the Orbx Central Library just "sit" there and P3D see's them and access them when you may choose a scenery that is resident in the central library is that correct? so really ALL scenery could be migrated to the central library is that correct and no detrimental effects result?


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OK Nick, So really it would only be worth doing once I get my new SSD installed, so P3D will see the new SSD then.I take your point with my present SSD Drive (one only) creating a new library would have no effect since it would consume capacity on the drive in any event.

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