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NZQN/NZQZ conflict issues

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I have just purchased (wasted) money buying NZ South Island and NZ Queenstown. 
I installed the products using the latest Orbx Central installer and commenced a flight from Sydney to Queenstown. On approach to NZ the scenery of the South Island package became apparent and I began to get a little excited about the potential of the products. Well, that was short lived. The approach into NZQN was great, until touchdown where I landed well below the rest of the scenery. The runway was BELOW the rest of the surrounding scenery!!! I mean WT? Fortunately my crash detection is turned off, mainly because YBBN airport is full of bugs and I can't taxi on B taxiway without crashing into, well nothing. Anyway, I was able to land in QN. I shutdown the sim and restarted it at the "active runway" to see what happens and this seems to have resolved itself. God only knows why (and he probably doesn't). This was two days ago. 
Today, I start up my sim and prepare to do the return flight but now GSX won't recognise the NZQN airport and thinks I'm at NZQZ (or something, Queenstown GA). This is odd, but not the first time as I have the same issues with Canberra. Nothing I have tried has resolved this problem. I've uninstalled the software. Installed it into P3D direct and into the library and neither option fixes the problem. I've moved NZQN to the top of the scenery list and not resolved. I don't fly into Canberra anymore because of this issue. Waste of money there. Looks like Queenstown will be in the same boat. 

Presumably there is a simple solution, or a relatively easy fix for this problem. If so, I would dearly love to know what it is. 
Further to this though is the big question. Why does this and many other issues occur? I have YMML v2 (or maybe 3, whatever the latest is) and it's great and I use it all the time as I am based in Victoria. I can't use AU v2 as it clashes with my install of YMML and nothing I try fixes it. YBBN has issues with the taxiways and the texturing of the airport is quite honestly appalling. YSCB has clashes with GSX and it would appear so does NZQN. 

The big issue I face, is that like many simmers, I spend a lot of money on my hobby and I don't expect to have to "fix" software issues. I purchase a product and install it according to the instructions, therefore I expect it to work. Orbx Scenery would appear, at least in my case, to not live up to the dollars I have spent. 

Is there a fix for these issues? Is there a plan in place to ensure future products are compatible with other highly used third party software such as GSX?

I'm running P3D v4.5 on a Intel Core i7 8700KASUS Prime Z370-A II Motherboard32GB 3000MHz (4x8GB) DDR4GeForce RTX 2080 8GB with GSX Level II, NZ South Island, NZQN. 

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Both YSCB and NZQN have secondary airports/runways built in to enable the separation of small GA traffic from the larger commercial airlines as is the case with the real life operations at these airports. This is the only way this separation can be managed In the sim due to the limitations of FSX and P3D. This system has worked well for the many years these products have been on the market.


It would seem that GSX does not like this methodology though. 

I would suggest there are two options for you to continue using each. Disable GSX or do as Nick has suggested and disable the secondary airports/runways. Disabling the secondary airports/runways will mean you will not see any small GA AI traffic but the airports will be fine otherwise.

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Hi there,


This is a known possibility with GSX and is really a GSX issue rather than an Orbx one. The method FSDreamteam have developed to deal with it is described on page 26 of the GSX manual (or at least the version I have of it) in the section titled airport visibility.

Have a read of it. In this particular case, if I've read it correctly, I think you need to add the line:

airport_visibility_NZQZ = 0

to the [GSX] section of the CouatlAddons.INI file found in the folder "user name"\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali


All the best,




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Hi again,


Just realised you also mentioned YSCB.

If you are having the same GSX issues there I suspect that adding the line:

airport_visibility_ZSCB = 0

to the CouatlAddons.INI file will solve that problem.

Not certain but hopefully that will work.


All the best,




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Thanks guys for your help. 

Nick, I tried your suggestion of "turning off" the runways, but that just seemed to confuse the issue even more so I undid those changes. 

I then added the line into CouatlAddons.ini as John Burgess suggested which tells GSX not to look for the GA airport and that seems to have resolved the issue. 

It's a shame that there needs to be so many addons for these sims to work realistically. I'd happily pay a premium price for a sim, such as P3D that had all the functionality that is provided by many addons. Perhaps even with a drop down list of airport sceneries at purchase that would be included with the sim at an additional fee, but then I suppose that would leave the 3rd party developers out of a job in many cases. 

Anyway, issue resolved for now. Let's see what is next to pop up, especially when/if I make the move to P3D v5. 



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