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Autogen Building Problem on TE North California

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I have just installed TE North California and my California airfields.

First flight and I notice that I have a lack of autogen for the buildings (see the screen below).


I'm in V5HF1, my cursors are almost all on the right ..

I have synchronized again and no change ..., installation in P3DV5 (old method).


I checked on Washington and it's the same thing whereas before the installation of TE North California everything was good ... Same with Great Britain : a great lack of autogen !


images taken north of San Carlos towards Frisco










My scenery config :



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Hello, Nick.


Thank you for your response. I thought about this option because I use France VFR (and didn't install the other addons mentioned here).


I use Autogen's multiple definition (via autogen.cfg) and the last installation (via central Orbx) is for TE North California. 

I checked the latest autogen definitions for Orbx and they are the right ones ....


In fact, as soon as you launch the installation of an Orbx product via Central, it will overwrite the contents of the Autogen folder.

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Hi Jlsaghaa


There is a user that has advised that the auto configurator merger doesn't work in P3D v5


I don't know if Autogen's multiple definition you mention is the same as the ACM but it might not work either on P3D v5 if you are having this problem






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I read again the his post and he says the ACM does work in P3D v5 but he's trying a procedure recommended by LM, sorry


Can you see if your P3D has an entry in the add-ons section for the Autogen's multiple definition program you use?


Every time you run Cental the autogen definitions will be overwritten to Orbx ones so you need to ensure the program you use ro merge them is active and doing the job for products to display correctly


If you are having problems something is not installed correctly, I would start by checking the VFR France you mentioned

If you disable it, close the sim, run Central, close it and then open the sim, does it fix the problem?

It could be other product too causing this





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Hello, Carlos.


Thank you for taking an interest in my problem. 


I am not using ACM which, indeed, is not working properly. 


The multiple definition of autogen is based on the use of the Autogen.cfg file which is located in the LM folder in ProgramData.

You define all the autogen you use (ex autogen by default of the V5, autogen Orbx, autogen FranceVFR, ... ). Autogen that you declare in as many folders as you need. 

This process works perfectly in V4.5, so I can go from the north of France (France VFR) to England (TE Orbx) without any manipulation with full autogen on both countries. 

It also worked perfectly in V5 before the update I just did to add TE NC. 


After this update I simply note (see screen above) that central did not update the autogen file and I think the problem is with the autogen file. But why no update because as you say every time you run Orbx Central it has to overwrite the autogen folder? 



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Thank you for the explanation

I was not aware of that feature, this multiple definition of autogen, but I suspect is the one Michael ( PMB) was referring to in his post

I'll follow this post as I don't have yet v5 either and to know about the solution interests me




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Good morning Carlos,


could you be so kind giving a link to the thread with "multiple definition of autogen" or maybe you can explain what to do you here and does it have the same benefit like using the ACM-tool? I understand that sceneries with an autogen-Folder, in which they declare their own autogen via an own default.xml or some spb-files can set an entry in the autogen.cfg. But how does it work if more than one scenery putting their entries in this config-file? Will only the first entry be active, or the others too, like ACM does?



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Hello Kai

Sorry for my late reply, just saw this

I don't have this "multiple definition of autogen" it seems is within P3D....but I'm not familiar to it.


"The multiple definition of autogen is based on the use of the Autogen.cfg file which is located in the LM folder in ProgramData. "

As mentioned by Jlsagha above


What I use is the ACM too as you do :)




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