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terrain.cfg and where to find it????!

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I am in need to find the terrain.cfg file


I know its within the program data file structure and beneath that file there is a backup from Orbx..


are there any more terrain.cfg files anywhere as I need to edit the encoding on them in order for Black Marble products to install without corrupting the files....


They are saying that the encoding on the terrain file has been changed from its normal one to an older encoding system within the file which conflicts with any developer needing to write to that file with the latest encoding used within the sim??


Is this correct and where are the files please? 

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it does appear that the files are in a different format.

It does not appear the Orbx Central has done anything other than write to each file.

If you edit a file and save it, you would not normally alter its format.

On a general point, manually editing simulator configuration files without sufficient

certainty of what to do is a risky business.


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It seems that there is a bug with the way that ORBXCentral formats the CFG data, especially the terrain.cfg. P3D usuallay requires this data to be formated in US2-LE-BOM. Orbx Central however formats the data to UTF-8, which seems to be wrong? Due to that Black Marble is not set up right.

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2 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


you would appear to be correct.

Would a solution to your problem be to open the file and save it in the

format required by your software?


a suitable workaround would be:


1. install all needed Orbx Products

2. Format the terrain.cfg to US2-LE-BOM by using the notepad++ editor

3. Install all needed Black Marble products


Everything should work now. I dont know however, what happens when central would be ran again. I would assume that Central would corrupt the whole setting now.

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I have encountered this issue last night and this morning..... I fixed the issue with the terrain.cfg file and got BM working as it should be. This morning I ran Orbx Central to check for any updates, as I regularly do, and it has reset the encoding BACK to the original UTF-8. Now on starting the sim I find that the water has AGAIN been replaced by houses and land tiles.... Orbx has great files etc that make P3Dv5 really look amazing, and BM makes the sim look really good at night. These two SHOULD be able to work together.... Since it appears LM changed the required encoding on cfg files, and Orbx havent altered their etup this issue could crop up again and again unless Orbx fix their end......

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7 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Isn't that what I wrote?

Orbx Central will not touch the terrain.cfg file unless you ask it to with Sync Simulator or install

a scenery product.


it is not satisfying, that i am not able to install any other Orbx Prodcut anymore, because it would corrupt my whole Simulator!

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I will ask the developers on your behalf but as the solution is there and not complicated.

I think you are overstating the problem, a different format of the terrain.cfg file is a long way from


it would corrupt my whole Simulator!


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On 5/24/2020 at 8:48 AM, Nick Cooper said:


it does appear that the files are in a different format.

It does not appear the Orbx Central has done anything other than write to each file.

If you edit a file and save it, you would not normally alter its format.

On a general point, manually editing simulator configuration files without sufficient

certainty of what to do is a risky business.


if you delete the terrain file and allow the sim to create a default one, it is written as a US2-LE-BOM file = UTF-16LE   ( same thing)

The moment you start Orbx Central and it reads that terrain file, it turns the encoding into UTF-8

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12 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


you would appear to be correct.

Would a solution to your problem be to open the file and save it in the

format required by your software?

Thats what Im having to do every time I run Orbx Central so my sim dont crash and its painful..... would it be possible to just have the file saved as the simulator wants it to?


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12 hours ago, Howard Weber said:


a suitable workaround would be:


1. install all needed Orbx Products

2. Format the terrain.cfg to US2-LE-BOM by using the notepad++ editor

3. Install all needed Black Marble products


Everything should work now. I dont know however, what happens when central would be ran again. I would assume that Central would corrupt the whole setting now.

running Central again turns the file back into the UTF-8 encode, which is a problem when you want to run BM product manager, it gets corrupted... 

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11 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Isn't that what I wrote?

Orbx Central will not touch the terrain.cfg file unless you ask it to with Sync Simulator or install

a scenery product.

just running Central is enough Nick, Orbx needs to change the encoding back to the way LM set it, its messing up peoples sims.....is there a reason for choosing this type of encoding or was anyone unaware? 

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10 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

I will ask the developers on your behalf but as the solution is there and not complicated.

I think you are overstating the problem, a different format of the terrain.cfg file is a long way from


it turns the terrain file into chinese writing when a BM manager needs to access it because its expecting it to be written the way LOCKHEED MARTIN wanted it to be written... Im guessing LM changed it and Orbx is unaware...... I bet this would be the saving grace for v5 because so many people are having scenery issues.... I wonder how many in the forums is related to this seemingly small matter

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@Nick Cooper I have confirmed myself and agree with the OP. When you let the sim recreate the terrain.cfg etc......all cfg's populate as US2-LE-BOM (UTF-16LE). As soon as you run Orbx, the only cfg that it changes to UTF8 is the Terrain.cfg. All others remain as US2-LE-BOM file (UTF-16LE). This causes a problem with other addons because there cfg uses US2-LE BOOM. 


I would have posted a support ticket but it seems that a ton of folks really don't get the help they are looking for. So there is no need to waste the time. That is why I'm bringing this to your attention. And with you being a part of the team and this is a wide issue, i figured you would be able to get the help needed pretty quickly. I think this would be the fix. Something to be looked into. Hope this helps. Hope I'm not being "out of place". 



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welcome to the forums.


I don't know how else to phrase "it is being addressed".


Perhaps: "Yes, Orbx Central does do as you are all stating and this has been drawn to the attention of the developers who have acknowledged it and will change the way that Orbx Central behaves so that it no longer changes the format of the file that apparently causes problems with Christopher Bell's software." will be enough to stem the tide of people registering on these forums in order to make the point that has already been made and addressed.


Anyone would think that there was an orchestrated campaign on behalf of Black Marble.


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3 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Anyone would think that there was an orchestrated campaign on behalf of Black Marble.

Not at all Nick..... once the discovery was made (days ago) it seems no one came to say anything until recently, when after it already been addressed, by then the tide of people had also addressed it..... Christopher Bell knew nothing that I came here to mention it until you told me that the developers were fixing it.... 

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It must be then that customers who have not posted at all for years are suddenly motivated to do so,

or perhaps they think that posting the same information again and again is helpful.

Perhaps what they have in common is Black Marble.

I am assuming that we will be told when this is fixed, or at least, there will be an update to Orbx Central.

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

It must be then that customers who have not posted at all for years are suddenly motivated to do so,

or perhaps they think that posting the same information again and again is helpful.

Perhaps what they have in common is Black Marble.

I am assuming that we will be told when this is fixed, or at least, there will be an update to Orbx Central.

thank you....

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