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YBAF Elevation issues

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i disabled Ants Aussies and OZx only to find same issue but found only way to resolve was to drop the mesh resolution to 152m which is not great but anything above this setting seems to screw it up. not really the outcome I wanted as I am sure this will make a difference elsewhere.




mesh res.JPG



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and this is what it looks like with high settings which i prefer my settings to be you can see from the aerial shot it is only the land around the airport that is being affected so how do i resolve this?



high settings.JPG


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some more investigation using p3d v5 finds these settings with default YBAF work fine as opposed to the V4 above and it's V4 issues. now I don't have any ants or ozx running with V5 however as I mentioned disabling them makes no difference. so the shots below are V5 so what is the difference in files that can resolve this issue in v4?


p3dv5 settings.JPG



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Nick I noticed holgermesh installed in p3dv5 but i never installed it and it is not on the list in central so i will try to install it in v4 even though it says not compatable with auv2 but for some reason this might be the answer.



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I'm seeing this.  I don't have P3DV5 yet.


I tried disabling Vector... no change.


I tried unticking YBBN.  No change.  So it's something the devs will have to have a look at methinks.


And this is what I see now with YBBN unticked in the Scenery Library:





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well i'm stumped installing holgermesh made no difference even uninstalling and reinstalling auv2 made no difference. all files in both p3dv4 folders and p3dv5 folders are the same yet the elevation issue is only happening in v4 :(

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ok some more experimenting reveals the following turning off the ftxauv2 scenery folder flattens all the terrain but no scenery. turning off the mesh with scenery on makes no difference but having either mesh or scenery on still has the problem so there must be a file in both mesh and scenery that makes the landclass incorrect

 attached some pics


first scenery disabled

next mesh enabled scenery disabled

last mesh disabled scenery enabled


scenery disabled.jpg

mesh enabled scenery disabled.jpg

mesh disabled scenery enabled.jpg

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ok thanks for that i have set my location at same place and took a shot and already notice differences in scenery petfy look at the mountains in the background for example compare to your shot




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Putting GC under YSPT made no difference to YBAF (ie correct ground). Also I have AU2 without holgermesh (did AU2 come with its own mesh), no other meshes ie global mesh.


I wish you well in your trouble shooting as I can not suggest anything that has not already been tried.

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yeah petfy thanks mate really strange holgermesh made no difference i tried that because oddly when AUv2 is installed in P3dv5 it also installs holgermesh and in p3dv5 all is good i have tried all i can think of to solve this short of doing a complete fresh install i might see if i can do another install in another HD and see if i can find the difference not sure if i can do that so have to try.

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1 minute ago, flyguy737 said:

sadly nick that made no difference for me :(


In that case, there must be something still remaining in your installation that is not in mine.

I maintain full Orbx installations that never have anything else included and the two shots are from those.

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i will try uninstalling auv2 again load up p3d default close p3d install auv2 again and verify then run p3d again see if anything happens. nick can you post a screen shot of your settings and library order please?


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2 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


In that case, there must be something still remaining in your installation that is not in mine.

I maintain full Orbx installations that never have anything else included and the two shots are from those.


Me too yet mine is different...


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10 minutes ago, flyguy737 said:

i will try uninstalling auv2 again load up p3d default close p3d install auv2 again and verify then run p3d again see if anything happens. nick can you post a screen shot of your settings and library order please?




they are not connected, you need to discover which other addon is interfering with the runway levels, I think.

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Another couple of things I've noted in my setup that have not been initiated by me:


The AUV2 option in Vector was unticked.


AU Traffic seems to have been disables, at YBBN all I see are some yellow tailed aircraft at the domestic terminal



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every Orbx product that can be installed inside the P3D folder is.

Clearly in FSX, they all are.

Mesh complexity is set at 5m.

The Australia v2 scenery library entries are in this order and position

in the scenery library, as set by Orbx Central.




Global Base has no effect at all on airports, it simply does not have the files.

There are no Vector files for YBAF, so it cannot be a cause, even if installed.


I don't suppose you have added any updated airport navigation data or added AI software?



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ok thanks nick. I tried moving it to my main library folder instead but that had no effect. i'm really stumped on this i have no other scenery for australia except sydney and perth so cant understand what it could be i guess i have to turn off one by one and see what happens. 

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My AUV2 is installed in the P3DV4.5 Orbx folder, so I'm able to use Scenery Config Editor to disable various options.  I have YBBN ticked.


With AUV2 disabled I get flat YBAF.


Enabling AUV2 I get the elevation problem.


It's as simple as that.  Ergo, call me Sherlock Holmes, but something in AUV2 is causing the problem at YBAF.  And I can confirm it seems to be in the FTXAUv2_05_SCENERY folder, because when I untick that, I get a flat YBAF again.


EDIT:  Rebooting P3D and the bumps reappeared but less severe.  I'll try again with all AUV2 folders unticked.  And yes, unticking all the folders results in dead flat YBAF.  


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1 minute ago, John Dow said:

My AUV2 is installed in the P3DV4.5 Orbx folder, so I'm able to use Scenery Config Editor to disable various options.  I have YBBN ticked.


With AUV2 disabled I get flat YBAF.


Enabling AUV2 I get the elevation problem.


It's as simple as that.  Ergo, call me Sherlock Holmes, but something in AUV2 is causing the problem at YBAF.  And I can confirm it seems to be in the FTXAUv2_05_SCENERY folder, because when I untick that, I get a flat YBAF again.

yes John i found that out too earlier look above but disabling it doesn't have the scenery of YBAF then but i agree it is something in there but it works fine in p3dv5 ?

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30 minutes ago, flyguy737 said:

yes John i found that out too earlier look above but disabling it doesn't have the scenery of YBAF then but i agree it is something in there but it works fine in p3dv5 ?


OK the culprit might be OZx.  Can you disable OZx and see what you get?  I get a flat YBAF with OZx now disabled.


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