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P3Dv5 Flashing Textures (Buildings Mainly)

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Hello, all! Ever since installing P3Dv5, I've been having an issue where most of my textures "flash". This is most noticeable during night time. I find the sim not enjoyable with the bug. Here's a video (not mine):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFRtbJMf1Xw. What I have installed: Global Base Pack, Global Buildings HD, Global Trees HD. It happens all over the place. It happens with addon airports, as well. Any help would be appreciated!



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3 hours ago, blaksky said:

Hello, all! Ever since installing P3Dv5, I've been having an issue where most of my textures "flash". This is most noticeable during night time. I find the sim not enjoyable with the bug. Here's a video (not mine):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFRtbJMf1Xw. What I have installed: Global Base Pack, Global Buildings HD, Global Trees HD. It happens all over the place. It happens with addon airports, as well. Any help would be appreciated!



If you are running a weather engine...and there is reports of lightning...your building facades will flash from the lightning bolt. That's a legitimate flashing of the outside building texture.  Here's a test...if there is lightning flashing in the sky...face your cockpit towards the 'flashing' building. If your cockpit metal fabs around the instrument panel and window flash in union with the building you are facing...that is the test...that is the lightning flash 'lighting' it up... :)

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2 minutes ago, blaksky said:

Hi, I wasn't using a weather engine. Just default weather does it too!

If that is so...then the weather theme had some lightning intervals.   I suggest you try the worst weather...I think it's Thunder Storm, or something...that should produce visible lightning flashes and lightning bolts. If you get that...try my test...and I'm sure you will see the cockpit and the building facade you are facing light up, totally in sync.

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In your video I don't see any building textures flashing, but I do see the ground textures flashing weird patterns.

The first thing that comes to mind for me is your GPU is having a hard time or your P3D settings are not being good to it.

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Not sure if this is the same issue I experienced the other day but I had to uncheck the "Dynamic Texture Streaming" checkbox option to remove the flashing on my scenery.

This is found under Display settings->Image and texture Quality->Under Texture Filtering. 


My theory (could be wrong): Its a texture compression option introduced in HF1 to reduce system ram.

On my PC, which has a 1080TI, the compression affects how the textures are displayed in the sim, producing flashes on terrain, buildings etc. Very Annoying! 


I turned it off and viola, no more screen flashing!


Worth a try at least - screenshot where this setting is below:



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George is right. But in addition to his suggestion: it is either dynamic texture streaming or VSYNC, both together result in flashing textures. Either one off and you are fine. Be aware that without dynamic texture streaming your VRAM usage will be higher.

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