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I don’t know if my Orbx products are configured on the right way...please help me

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My apologies Felipe, at the time of replying to your post there were no pictures visible.

Are the grey stripes on the right hand sides anything to do with the Weapon module you have loaded ?

If you can show the co-ordinates of your screen shots, I can compare with what I see :)

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Don´t worry.

Pictures taken at SKBO runway 13R at 8880ft and 17000ft, facing east toward the mountains. Also I am using the PKSIM SKBO scenery.


I have purchased with you:

-Global base pack

-Global openLC South america




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I see pretty much the same as mine.

The important here is: What I saw before buying the product and how is it promoted, is complitelly different from what i got. That is the reason I am so disappointed with your product.


Using your free mesh terrain or other free products agianst  your Global base pack + Global openLC South america, there are not  much difference,  thus I think those products are too expensive from what they offer.


If possible I prefer money back

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Smudger's shot is pretty much not the same as yours at all.

You have contrived to make the scenery look as unattractive as possible by zooming in to an extraordinary level,

enabling the P3D Dynamic 3D autogen vegetation and turning down the level of autogen.

The yellow marks on your scenery may also be a result of an incorrect scenery library order.

This is my best guess as to replicating your image and it doesn't look much like it.





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2 minutes ago, Felipe said:

This is a pictures with Orbx products Base pack + open LC south america + LC Mesh south america


This is what you offer, not at all what am looking for on my sim.


your pruducts are to expensive from what I got


I really want money back

Sin título.jpg

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as I explained before, your method of taking screen shots is a very good attempt at trying to make the scenery look as bad as possible.

It is clear that you have zoomed in to a ludicrous extent, which result in the scenery looking out of focus and  because your viewpoint

is so far away, there is no autogen on the hills either.


Here is a replica of your screen shot.




Here is the exact same view of the hills but from a realistic distance.



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You are soo wrong. I am not trying to make it looks as bad as possible, is just how it looks.

If it looks soo bad, it is just YOUR PRODUCT, this is not my intervention or my creation.


I zoomed it for you, because I need you to see how does it looks like, because what I got is not as similir as you promote on your web page.


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I'm just wondering if your Level of Detail, Mesh size settings and Texture settings are the same as are recommended in the manual? (Found on your installed product page in Orbx Central)


I would assume the shots taken for the product promotion were taken using the recommended settings. If they are the same and the product looks different then you have done everything you can. You might have yours set differently?

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