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Kelowna grass taxiways

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Hi everyone,


I did a flight into Kelowna (CYLW) today and noticed that the main taxiway is mostly covered with grass texture (see the attached images).  I've tried a number of things to get it to show as concrete, but nothing has made a difference.  Here is what I've tried thus far:


1)  Uninstall and re-install NRM.  When that didn't work, I did the same with the Orbx libraries.

2)  Run Vector's AEC auto-configuration after NRM and libraries re-install.

3)  Replace REX TD's "detail1.bmp" file with an Orbx texture file per a suggestion at AVSIM (since it made no difference, I've reverted back to the REX TD file).

4)  Fiddle with various lower texture resolution and mesh resolution settings in the P3D Display menu.


The NRM entries aren't beneath anything that should affect them in the scenery library (just a new CYYC and MDCY, neither of which is nearby).  I can try disabling those airports, but it seems unlikely it would make any difference.


I'm running NRM 1.6.1 with the latest libraries on Prepar3D 4.5.  Could someone kindly load up a flight at CYLW and check the satellite camera to see if this issue relates only to my system?  I've flown into this airport before and never saw anything out of the ordinary. 

Pic 1.png

Pic 2.png

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Hi there,


As this is related to the grass clipping issue, I thought I'd bring it up in this thread again.  I've found another instance of it at CYQF (screenshot attached).


Nick, are these relatively simple to fix with ADE?  I just found out about the tool and was able to change the runway numbers and remove a parking spot that conflicted with static parked airplanes quite easily.  If the process for getting rid of this grass clipping is similarly straightforward, could you point me to the ADE tool that does it?




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