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External Library for P3D v4 and v5

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Prior to retiring P3D v4, which may take hopefully until the first version patch, I am trying to find a way to use one P3D external  library for both versions 4 and 5 since I am running out of space on my SSD, would I have to double install all Orbx content. Any idea? 

Thank you,


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Yes there is a way apparently I was goig down that path but I'm sticking with V4.5 for the forseeable future so not getting V5 yet.


I'll have to ask if I can give you the solution that was proposed for me and if so I'll post it here.





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OK I have been given the OK, so here's what I was told.  NOTE:  This is still uncharted territory so it is vital that you record every change and make a backup of every file in case you have to go back.  (In my rig I have a folder named LM Backup next to each Lockheed Martin folder where I copy the files before I make any changes, in my Users folder as well as the C:\Program Data folder as well).


Other than v5 specific add-ons, you can link to all your existing v4 add-ons in several ways. Now that Orbx Central is very stable, the easiest way  is to migrate all your v4 Orbx scenery to an external library, including all the various Orbx libs, plus Buildings HD and Trees HD.  Then find the add-ons.cfg in the v4  Program Data\ LM v4 folder and copy it to the same place in the v5 folder, overwriting the original which will have nothing in it on a fresh v5 install.  Now you will  have all your Orbx scenery. 


The only remaining issue is to get the proper Orbx additions into the v5 terrain.cfg.  I haven't been given the solution to that, but if you decide to go ahead let me know and I'll ask for that final step.


Well, not final step, because there are some scenery items that aren't supported yet and there are Program Data files that also need to be copied and/or linked but the above method should see most of the files appearing in V5.  The v5 specific things need to be installed into a v5 folder by OC. These are ObjectFlow and the Orbx libs.  Installing the libs does more than just install objects; it adds the right files to the Autogen folder and installs a modified terrain.cfg and more. 



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Thank you both. I have currently installed the Base package and Australia V2 for P3D v5, both times with a data duplication in a separate P3D v5 subdirectory. Copying a directory link from the P3d v4 subdirectory first, did not help. However, I will see if it is possible to delete the v5 data holding directories now and replace them with links to the v4 directories. My guess is, that if that works, then all the installation for v5 should be according to what is currently possible and all v5 .cfg files should be good. In theory, that is. Will check this tonight, after work and report back what the results were. 

Thanks again. 

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