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TE WA Will not load In XP 11.50 Vulkan


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Testing 11.50 and fps has significantly improved in TE FL and everywhere else. I'm hoping Tony can look into why TE WA is the only region that doesn't want to load. Many users are having the same issue.



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I'm running Vulkan 11.50 and its running fine for me...... I just bought KORS, works beautifully; then I opened up the IOS window, dragged myself about 50nm south, and TE WA was definitely loading and performing well at almost 60fps.... maybe you need to check your plugins/scripts. I did have to change a few of mine to get it all working, but apart from the long load times, it's not bad for a 1st beta release.



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1 hour ago, TerryM said:

I'm running Vulkan 11.50 and its running fine for me...... I just bought KORS, works beautifully; then I opened up the IOS window, dragged myself about 50nm south, and TE WA was definitely loading and performing well at almost 60fps.... maybe you need to check your plugins/scripts. I did have to change a few of mine to get it all working, but apart from the long load times, it's not bad for a 1st beta release.



Interesting. I only have XP-Realistic loaded. There are some users at the .org that are having a similar problem. Can you try KSEA or KPAE please. Thanks.

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I am having the same issue with Washington.  I tried uninstalling the enhancement pack.  It made no difference.  I can sucessfully load TE NorCal, and Florida.  I'm getting an error when loading TE Oregon, but no crashes.  I can start at 7S3 and fly around KPDX and it looks normal (the error says there's a a problem with Orbx Libraries - looking into that one, and checking to see if my libraries need updating).   I have not been able to sucessfully load into KSEA or KTIW at all yet. 


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Sorry for joining in, but I've got the same problem as JoseCFII.

Trying out 11.50b1 in Vulkan mode , have no problems with TE Great Britian, TE Oregon, TE Cal or TE Florida.
Getting great fps/frametimes al around .
That said , Idid get a couple of fps/frametime dumps around KMIA and EGLC (same problem I've had previous versions in OpenGL)

Only when trying to do a start a flight out of Washington state (KSEA, KBFI, KTIW etc etc etc) X-Plane freezes during loading.
Tried it in OpenGL and in Vulkan mode.
I do use DD Seattle Airports (and some plugins) : to be sure these weren't the problem I removed DD Seattle airport , but still X-Plane freezes during loading.

Weird thing is : if you start outside of Washington state and fly to KSEA/KBFI : no trouble at all.
You can fly over Washington state and land were you want, no freezes, no crashes

You're right : when you view the log after x-plane froze you'll see quit some dds file errors ,mostly focused around WA56, KORS or Washington state itself.
I've included my log if you want to see.

PS :
I'm using the HD version with the enhancement pack.
I've tried to uninstall the enhancement pack and see if that would made any difference, it only uninstalled the whole Washing State HD pack
I've also send the logs to Laminar, so they can see what's happening.


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Macd - I'm certainly not a programmer, but I took a look at your log file.  We're having some of the same problems - notably with OrbxLibsXP library stuff, although it appears I have a few more issues than you.

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8 minutes ago, cbcfdx said:

Macd - I'm certainly not a programmer, but I took a look at your log file.  We're having some of the same problems - notably with OrbxLibsXP library stuff, although it appears I have a few more issues than you.

True, forgot the OrbxLibsXP error. (then again , didn't see it because x-plane already froze)

Got the same warning when starting from TE Oregon (can't remember if the warning popped up in Florida, have to check tomorrow), but for some reason it's only a warning there : doesn't make the game freeze or crash.


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@MacD In your case, it seems to be a bug with Israel's Farm WA56. Please disable Israel's Farm and try again.


It's asking for an the path "../../veg/broad_m.for" .. technically such paths should work in X-Plane. What's interesting is that it allowed this and worked fine in 11.40 but not 11.50. Does this file actually exist for you?




What I suspect is happening here is that simply 11.50 is more strict on missing assets... These issues are likely already there in 11.45 caused by a faulty installation, but it's much more forgiving and 11.50 is not happy


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2 minutes ago, Tony Wroblewski said:

@MacD In your case, it seems to be a bug with Israel's Farm WA56. Please disable Israel's Farm and try again.


It's asking for an the path "../../veg/broad_m.for" .. technically such paths should work in X-Plane. What's interesting is that it allowed this and worked fine in 11.40 but not 11.50. Does this file actually exist for you?



Check, remove WA56, will do.

I've got 3 broad_m.for files, there inside Orbx_A_US_Washington_TE_Custom
One's inside the veg map but can't quit find the are 2 …


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Thanks for your help Tony.  I think you're right regarding 11.50 and it's tolerance for faulty installations.  It looks like I had lots of files missing, including the one you posted.  I do have the HD version stored on my hard drive (but not active in the sim), and it does include that .ter file and looks more complete.  I'm going to symlink the HD version into my scenery and see if that fixes my issue.  I"ll report back.


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Got it to load at KSEA!  I did get a warning regarding problems loading my OrbxLibsXP files, but no crash.   Looking at my log, there's still a few missing things here and there.  I'm guessing a faulty/incomplete install that 11.41 was tolerating.  I'll see if I can get those remedied and report back.  Thanks so much for being willing to help out, even though the beta just came out.  It was super smooth in VR over downtown Seattle (40-45 fps), and it looked awesome!

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17 minutes ago, cbcfdx said:

It was super smooth in VR over downtown Seattle (40-45 fps), and it looked awesome!


Indeed, I'm seeing much better performance overall, including in SoCal over LA (which isn't out yet) and also over central London.


I'm getting similar warnings to lib objects, but those objects exist, so I'm presuming this is a new bug in the beta and will submit a report to LR accordingly


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4 hours ago, Tony Wroblewski said:

I can load it fine, and also getting some very nice frame-rate improvements... I need your help debugging this, so please post me your log files from X-Plane.


Please also indicate which version you're using, HD vs SD...

Absolutely! A temp fix will be appreciated. Performance with this new version is simply unbelievable. I can never go back to openGL.

Log TE WA ctd.txt

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4 hours ago, Tony Wroblewski said:

I can load it fine, and also getting some very nice frame-rate improvements... I need your help debugging this, so please post me your log files from X-Plane.


Please also indicate which version you're using, HD vs SD...

SD version.

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1 hour ago, Tony Wroblewski said:

Here is the missing file (see attachment)


Try copying it to Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_US_Washington_TE_Orthos/terrain and let me know what happens.


I have this file in my version



b500x5130x17.ter 163 B · 4 downloads

I applied this file, removed WA56 and the sim loaded fine at Paine Field. Flew south as fast as I could toward the city of Seattle. No CTDs but the ground textures did begin to get blurry.

Another step in the right direction. GTX 1070 btw





Latest working LOG


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Hi Tony,

I had to stop the testing of 11.50 despite the excellent performance gains. After a few minutes of flying I started to see blurry ground textures. It didn't happen yesterday while testing only TE FL in the custom folder. It looks like as you add sceneries and libraries performance decreases. I did try lowering the settings and restarting with much lower settings and I still saw the textures get blurred. Painfully, I'm back to 10.41 for now. Low 20s but sharp ground textures.

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5 hours ago, JoseCFII said:

After a few minutes of flying I started to see blurry ground texture


Yes, this is how 11.50 deals with VRAM issues, by lowering the resolution of textures on the fly... It's really aggressive to aerial imagery, and is not quite there yet. Hopefully now that it's in public beta, enough people will raise it as a bug and they'll work on it.

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29 minutes ago, Tony Wroblewski said:


Yes, this is how 11.50 deals with VRAM issues, by lowering the resolution of textures on the fly... It's really aggressive to aerial imagery, and is not quite there yet. Hopefully now that it's in public beta, enough people will raise it as a bug and they'll work on it.

Tony, is there a reason why adding additional scenery would adversely affect flying in a self contained area like TE Florida.

Jose was indicating that he didn't have the blurries in TE Florida yesterday, but feels that the blurred textures are now apparent due to adding more scenery. You appear to agree.

How does that affect vram if today he flies in TE Washington and starts seeing blurred textures when he didn't yesterday see blurred textures in TE Florida, and the only difference is he has added more scenery.I know his new pics are in TE Washington and not TE Florida but I am wondering why blurred ground textures would appear in TE Washington if they didn't in TE Florida yesterday.

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I'm not having the blurry texture issue on my system.  (1080ti)  I'm not super heavy on scenery though.   I don't have any other scenery in the northwest other than Orbx.  


I've found that if I put WA56 back in my scenery I go back to crashing.   So deflnitely still an issue there.  Also still have errors from the orbxlibxp  library files.


I'm starting to pay closer attention to the log file.  It looks like I'm still missing some textures in the SeaTac area.  I've noticed in the past some blank buildings (even before the beta).  I guess I just keep using the verify files function and hope it installs more?  

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This was posted by LR a short while ago, I'll copy it here as it explains what is going on



Seems like there is a lot of confusion about blurry textures, and a lot of idle speculation. So I figured I may help clear this up, and get some good debugging data. Note, I work for LR and wrote the code that makes the textures blurry (you are all welcome), so I’m not speculating here! Please don’t post any “Me too, I also have this”. I get the message that this is a real thing, no further confirmation necessary ;)

The blurry textures are a result of the new texture pager that is responsible for fitting all resources into VRAM. The texture slider is only a request to the sim now under Vulkan and Metal, if everything (textures, render targets and models) don’t all fit into VRAM, textures will be downscaled to make it all fit into the VRAM allotted to X-Plane (that VRAM could be less than what it says on the tin. For example my 8Gb cards routinely report a budget of around 6.4 Gb, but it also depends on what the rest of the system does. VRAM is shared between applications, and the OS also uses some of it!). Downscaling textures is a very good way to relieve VRAM pressure, because every time a texture gets its resolution dropped by half, it gets ~75% smaller in terms of VRAM. A uncompressed 4k texture takes up 85mb, so dropping that by 75% is a huge win! However, obviously if you’ve gots lot of VRAM this shouldn’t be happening. Even with TE or Ortho, you should be able to have everything at full res for around 6gb or so (I’m spitballing, don’t get upset if the number isn’t spot on)

So, if you have a lot of VRAM you should not see blurries. If that happens to you, it is definitely a bug. If ya'all wanna do me a favour and help debug this, I would really appreciate bug reports with a screenshot of the VRAM Profiler and the Texture Browser on the "Pager Info" tab (both can be accessed through the Developer menu bar entry). I would also love a log file from a run. Of course, only take these screenshots when you are in a blurry situation! Please don’t post here with these screenshots, properly report them. This forum is not a bug reporter by any means, I’m just posting here to get useful info into the official real bug reporter. Thanks :)


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4 minutes ago, cbcfdx said:

I've noticed in the past some blank buildings (even before the beta).  I guess I just keep using the verify files function and hope it installs more?  


If it doesn't fix it, please look in your log file and just let me know which files are missing and if it's not too large, I'll post them here.


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4 minutes ago, cbcfdx said:

I'm not having the blurry texture issue on my system.  (1080ti)  I'm not super heavy on scenery though.   I don't have any other scenery in the northwest other than Orbx.  


I've found that if I put WA56 back in my scenery I go back to crashing.   So deflnitely still an issue there.  Also still have errors from the orbxlibxp  library files.


I'm starting to pay closer attention to the log file.  It looks like I'm still missing some textures in the SeaTac area.  I've noticed in the past some blank buildings (even before the beta).  I guess I just keep using the verify files function and hope it installs more?  

Ignore the missing files in the Log about SeaTac. They are just an internal log issue and do not affect the TE Washington addon.

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4 minutes ago, Tony Wroblewski said:

This was posted by LR a short while ago, I'll copy it here as it explains what is going on



Thanks Tony. I still don't understand why adding more scenery would potentially cause blurred textures though.

Is more vram being used to read the ever expanding Custom Scenery folder and that is what is causing the vram capacity of the GPU to diminish to the point it has to start lowering the texture resolution?

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Just now, Jon Clarke said:

I still don't understand why adding more scenery would potentially cause blurred textures though


Neither do I. If the scenery isn't being used in the area the user is flying in, then I don't know why it would be loaded in to VRAM.. As the post above says, I think something funky is going on with the texture pager that they need to fix... it would be beneficial for anyone testing this beta to tell LR about these blurry issues in official bug reports, as it's not likely they'll be monitoring this and other threads.


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1 minute ago, Tony Wroblewski said:


Neither do I. If the scenery isn't being used in the area the user is flying in, then I don't know why it would be loaded in to VRAM.. As the post above says, I think something funky is going on with the texture pager that they need to fix... it would be beneficial for anyone testing this beta to tell LR about these blurry issues in official bug reports, as it's not likely they'll be monitoring this and other threads.


Phew, glad you don't understand it either:) 

At this rate if people added all their 11.40/41 addons to 11.50 they would just get a blob of mess, and I am not talking about current incompatibilities just about Orbx and Ortho4xp imagery. It needs to deal with only the scenery being used, and if you are fortunate to have a high vram GPU then you shouldn't have blurred imagery. I have 11GB vram and the highest I am aware of is  a GPU with 12GB vram, so even that wouldn't do if you started to get current incompatible addons and plugins to work.

It appears more like fixing the stutters and performance issues by setting everything in the XP settings options full to the left and also have the lowest screen resolution. That would increase fps and remove completely any stutters:lol:

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Tony - thanks for your help.  I may be drifting a bit on the original topic, because I'm not sure if this is 11.50 related.  The missing textures in the log file (and confirmed in-game by some blank buildings in the vicinity of the airport) are .png files that are supposed to be in a folder labeled sea-tac_textures_2048.   I don't have any folders that are 2048.  I only have sea-tac_textures and sea-tac_textures_1024.   


On the control panel for the enhancement pack I have "standard" selected for autogen instead of HD.  Is it related to that?  Thoughts?


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Here is what I see at 8000ft flying the Cirrus on full power just away from KSEA. I have the SD version of TE Washington symbolic linked to my installation of 11.50.

The SD version was never really designed to be sharp and crisp at below 5000ft in my opinion. My eyesight is not 20-20 but the ground textures look acceptable to me. Far better than default XP scenery but not as sharp as in the real world.

I have increased the Texture Quality setting to max far right and screen resolution is 3840x2160


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13 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

Phew, glad you don't understand it either:) 

At this rate if people added all their 11.40/41 addons to 11.50 they would just get a blob of mess, and I am not talking about current incompatibilities just about Orbx and Ortho4xp imagery. It needs to deal with only the scenery being used, and if you are fortunate to have a high vram GPU then you shouldn't have blurred imagery. I have 11GB vram and the highest I am aware of is  a GPU with 12GB vram, so even that wouldn't do if you started to get current incompatible addons and plugins to work.

It appears more like fixing the stutters and performance issues by setting everything in the XP settings options full to the left and also have the lowest screen resolution. That would increase fps and remove completely any stutters:lol:

There's a 16gig Radeon card that is affordable. But I have a feeling we will not need to spend $600 on a new card. Enough people have the issue so I'm confident that LR will find a fix.

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15 hours ago, Tony Wroblewski said:


Yes, this is how 11.50 deals with VRAM issues, by lowering the resolution of textures on the fly... It's really aggressive to aerial imagery, and is not quite there yet. Hopefully now that it's in public beta, enough people will raise it as a bug and they'll work on it.

Excellent explanation! I think I read somewhere that LR had to fix an issue with blurry textures with low end cards. That's cards bellow 6gig of vram. Maybe I dreamed it. :)

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14 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

Phew, glad you don't understand it either:) 

At this rate if people added all their 11.40/41 addons to 11.50 they would just get a blob of mess, and I am not talking about current incompatibilities just about Orbx and Ortho4xp imagery. It needs to deal with only the scenery being used, and if you are fortunate to have a high vram GPU then you shouldn't have blurred imagery. I have 11GB vram and the highest I am aware of is  a GPU with 12GB vram, so even that wouldn't do if you started to get current incompatible addons and plugins to work.

It appears more like fixing the stutters and performance issues by setting everything in the XP settings options full to the left and also have the lowest screen resolution. That would increase fps and remove completely any stutters:lol:

What is perplexing is that I started the test with only DD NYC and airports just to see if Vulkan was all that was claimed to be. I was blown away by the fps. Then loaded DD Miami another scenery notorious for bad fps. At both sceneries I did not notice any blurry textures. By this time, I was floored by this new sim. All my main settings to the right and 30 smooth fps. It dipped sometimes when looking looking toward KMIA, but it was still smooth during panning. I then decide to replace DD Miami for TE FL without any airports. Again I could not believe the performance with settings to the right. The only one that I did not bother with was reflections. I ran it on low. It was absolute joy to fly all over Miami then up to KFLL then back down. I switched from day to dusk to night and never saw any blurry textures. I was on a role. Shared my experience with everyone. Then I read that TE Washington was causing CTDs. I decided to add Washington and WA56. Loaded the sim to KPAE and BAM! I got a box asking me to send the ctd report. I tried the temp file that Tony provided, but forgot that I had also removed WA56. I tried loading KPAE and it worked. I began my test flight heading south toward Seattle. Then a few minutes later I noticed the ground textures getting blurry. I paused the sim and though "Vram." Lowered the setting and dropped AA from 8 to 4. Waited and the textures got sharp. Took the pic you see above. After a few minutes of flying the textures became blurry again. I stopped the flight and reloaded the sim with lower settings. This time I went to KMCO TE FL. Guess what? The scenery got blurry after a few minutes of flying.


Maybe it's not the addition of more scenery to the custom folder. It could be something else. Either way, they'll figure it out. I really wanted the extra fps. :)


Thanks for reading.

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