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T E England South not enough space.

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Hi all - I have misjudged the download somehow for the T E South onto my 250 GB SSD and now it tells me that I do not have enough space to continue with the download.

I had 61 GB available and I see that it uses 45.77 when installed (41.22 downloading) and opinions on various forums seem to imply that 15 GB "buffer" on modern SSD this size should be adequate. I am not sure if the 4.16 GB for the libraries is included in these figures but this may have been the "last straw " for the buffer.

Clearly, my over optimism  and their opinions are wrong. What a disappointment. I am sure that I am not the first to get in this position but no less embarrassing!

So my next question is "having purchased it on my Credit Card, am I able to get a refund and how ?" 



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Hi Nick --thanks for the reply but yes, sadly, this is the only drive. Before download I checked my storage and after clearing the temp folder (gave me 35 GB) it told me that I  had sufficient storage. 50.0GB of download would have taken me only up to around 200 GB. leaving me with a 10% buffer, even using the 223 GB available figure on a 250 GB ssd . Now something appears to be a bit fishy as W 10 storage now tells me that I have still have 223 GB available on my SSD  of which I have now used 182 GB !  This is made up of 143 GB on Apps and Features and 5.69 on temp files (the download of the Libs?) with 41.4 GB still free. Now this does not make much sense to me as these figures (apps :temp files and free ) almost tallied within 2 GB before downloading commenced but somewhere I have "added" nearly 30 GB of storage which has used up a chunk of my free space. I am at a loss  to know where this came from as it cannot have partially downloaded TE south as this was qued awaiting download and was not even started according to Central when it threw up the "Error" of not enough space and was then greyed out, not allowing me to do any more.

Now I know that the downloads  can be  much greater than the installed  (and was for the original TE  ) but that had been resolved by yourself. Am I mis reading your figures  of 41.22 download and 45.77 when installed and, in fact, need 87 GB total free to hold and to complete both the download and install? In which case this is my error, and TE will have to wait until I get some more storage.

 Meaning ,sadly I will miss your current great offer.

But it still does not explain to me where the other 30 GB has come from to use up my storage.


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the product must first be downloaded and then installed, so the total amount of space needed

is usually at least the size of the download plus the size of the installation.

Are you using a laptop?

250 GB seems a very low amount of disk space.

The remaining disk use could well be your temporary files which you can use Orbx Central to remove,

Downloader/Temporary Location\Clear

There will also be around 12 GB in C:\ProgramData\Package Cache of files left over from your P3D

installation that you can remove.

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Hi Nick --   that would be the reason then . As I noted ,I should have made space for 87 GB. My mistake. Has that shot down the possibility of a refund?

I have found my notes made before I started the download of TE and I had already cleared all of my temporary downloads and W10 storage said  I had used 151 GB  from the total of 223 total available  of which 1.2 GB was what was left in the downloads file made up of small KB/MB packets. So I thought I had enough but your comments have now clarified that I did not. However , all I was only able to download was the Orbx libs , which I assume is the 5.16 in my temp download file, before I got the lack of space error notice. But my W 10 storage total had increased from 151 GB to 180 GB used when to my mind it should only be registering around 156 GB. (151 +5.16). So where has the extra 24 G B come from to rack up my storage to 180GB? Weird. Something that I will have to fathom out unless someone else has some good ideas or pointers to get me started. Start looking in the Programmes files and see what each one contributes to the storage.

And yes , it is a small storage and I have always planned to add more whilst following advice that I have noticed on these excellent forums (another SSD or not etc ?). But as you can see , clearly not being a techie , I have often baulked  at the idea in case I completely mess things up!

But now, with the lock down , I suppose that I have got plenty of time to learn and sort things out .

But hey ,the Sun is shining nicely around Oxford today and I will now go outside and get some fresh air.

Thanks for your help 



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have a look at C:\ProgramData\Package Cache. See how large the whole

folder is, it should be a few hundred megabites.

The file names are just long lists of characters but if you look inside,

you will find one that is around 12GB.

It is the backup for the P3D scenery installation and you don't need it

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Hi Nick --thanks for the tip. As you say, you learn something new every day as this is somewhere I have never ventured to before..

I have looked into this folder and I have found the one that you have suggested I delete (install scenery.cab files ) which only amount to  approx 9.5 GB. The only other file with any significant storage comprises  a cont1.cab, plus a cont2.cab, totalling approx 2.5 GB with an Install_contents.msi of 513 KB. A v4.1.7.22841 file. This file was put on the computer within  a couple of minutes of the other (which is also a v 4 .1.7.22841) although both not recently. Although not scenery, is this the other file that makes up your 12 GB and can be deleted also? Or leave it?


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Hi Nick--have done all of that and also found another 2 GB as well .In addition I have also removed a further  6 GB by removing the hibernation storage, which I have never used, from the System and reserved folder which gives me a total of 62.3 GB free . At least the figures now add up to the local disc of 223 GB which it says is available. However I am still mystified as to why I only have 223 GB available from a 250 GB disc, especially as the windows system and reserved amount is already included in the total of used space. Why has there been this  deduction? Still mystified. If nothing else I now have a squeaky clean install with not a lot of fat on it!

I have tried to run the installer for TE South but although it gets a little further into the download (about 30 secs.) it then gives me the Error screen with not enough space etc.

So, thanks for your help and support, but it seems that we cannot shoehorn this onto my system and it will have to wait until I can upgrade my storage. I will start reading the "How To " you tube videos!

Meanwhile is there some arrangement that we can come to about a refund?


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O K Nick, thanks - but I did think of another way which might work , even though a bit long winded, before I send in a ticket. After all, being in lock down I will have the time.

 I am now down to 130 GB but if I uninstall some of my other Orbx scenery I would  gain  another 30 odd GB. I would have to uninstall as I have not got enough memory sticks to save them to and I cannot go out to buy any and on line would take me too long.

 So, then I start off with 100 used , install TE which would give me say 180+GB (temp and install) , but after install, I think Orbx does a clean up of the temp download which would give  me with say 150 GB  installed (used). Make sure that it runs OK and  I then ,over the next few days, I carefully re- install the previously removed scenery (about 30 GB)  allowing Orbx to clean up the temp folder each time and ensuring each one runs successfully before continuing, which would take take me up to around 180 GB used , which I was running at right at the start of this saga before I cleaned up my temp folder and other rubbish. 

I think that this would leave sufficient buffer to install the last scenery  which would need enough storage to place both the temp and install GB's .If not I might have to lose say N/S Island or S Cal. but worth it if I can get TE to run.

I assume that I go to Central to do both the uninstall and reinstall. Simple but tedious?

One question is that 2 of the scenery's which I would remove would be EU England and Wales but I think I am correct that I  could re-install these over TE South without problems? If so I can delete say PNW as an alternative. I do not have any other add-ons apart from Orbx airports, like Popham and Shoreham and Cardiff etc.

Are there any pitfalls that I should be aware of. Thoughts?


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Hi  Nick -- the uninstall /reinstall worked and I now have TE South working so no refund required. Glad I persevered. Thanks for the support.

Hi SGunard--thanks for the reminder and I will check out the rest of the regions /scenery /storage etc today and most of Wales is already covered by TE South it seems.  So I am reluctant to add another 3 GB+  just to get Cardiff. As you can see from the above posts, I am still tight for room. As I fly only GA and warbirds I only use Cardiff sometimes to practice ILS etc  but not very often. But we will see how things pan out.

Now to read the "how to" you tube vids about adding some more storage.

Regard all --stay safe 


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