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Blotches & Crater like images with default scenery


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I purchased the Orbx Base about a week ago and noticed on 3 occations and different areas, blutches and crater like images when flying over defalult areas. The reason I say default is bacause I am flying over the default scenery not an ariport surrounding add on scenary. I am not sure if it is try to display something and can't.


I do not or ever had any scenery installed, this is the first time since I have FSX that I have a scenery installed.

I do not have any other addons such as Vector or anyting else.

I am running FSX with Win 7 Pro 64 bit.

I am also using DX10 Steve Fixer

I have used all of the setting OBRX suggested

I do have 3rd. parry add-on airports but no issues so far with that. It just seems to occur on the open scenery areas.


Any suggestions and or help  ouild be greatly appreciated.



Kindest Regards.



ORBX Issue.jpg

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Hi Doug and Nick;


Thanks for your responses. I thought I had the coordinates captured at the top of the screen but unfortunately, I realized I only had the 2nd. line which is the FPS. my apologies.


I will do another flight and this time I will make sure I capture the coordinates. Will post once I have the needed information.


Thanks again.




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Hi Doug;


Thanks for your response I appreciate it. However, I am still not quite sure what the explanation is which could be on me. So I see what you captured from way above which looks to me like ponds (little patches of water which is common that part of Florida) when I zoom in. It actually wasn't the coordinates I provided. So I am actually 4,000 feet AGL making my final into MIA, if those are ponds as per your photo then I should see water on those areas correct? Granted at high altitude I may not see the actual detail image but at low altitude i should see water, which is the whole essence of the Orbx, i think.


Please let me know what I am missing.


Thanks again.



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you only own Orbx Global Base, which is a set of replacement textures that most people agree are much better then the default.

You do not own any Orbx landclass products, which are the ones that rearrange and add to the textures to much better represent

the real world topography, or Vector which is what rearranges the water bodies to better represent them.

What you are seeing is therefore the default FSX landclass and vector data, which is what decides what is displayed in any given location.

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