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Missing scenery details after upgrade to Orbx Central V4.1.0


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After updating to „Orbx Central 4.1.0” (before “FTX Central 3”) my sceneries look “a little bit empty” as before.

My current configuration:

* P3DV4.3

* Orbx (Global BASE Pack, Global openLC Europe, Global VECTOR, Global Trees HD, EU Germany North/South, LOWI Innsbruck Airport)

First attachment “LIPZ approach rwy 04R” (LIPZ is standard scenery no add on) - before upgrade to Orbx Central there were more buildings shown as now (I have not changed any P3D graphic configuration in the meantime).

Additionally I’ve compared screenshots from Munich –out of the Orbx product page of “EU Germany South” (see attachment “Munich ORBX”) and my current installation (using “EU Germany South” -see attachment “Munich P3D”). There is quite a difference.

As well I’ve attached screenshots of my current scenery configuration (P3D and Orbx Central).


Did I anything wrong? Have someone an idea what the reason can be and how to solve this problem?


Many thanks in advance!


LIPZ approach rwy 04R.jpg

Munich ORBX.jpg

Munich P3D.jpg

Scenery Library page 2.jpg

Orbx Central insertion point.jpg

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Hello Mitchell,

Thanks for your fast answer.

I pressed the button 'Verify Files' on Orbx Libraries / ObjectFlow / SimObject Display Engine in Central (as I did in the past for all other products) followed by button “Sync Simulator”.

But unfortunately nothing changed.

Add. Information – the function “Airport Elevation Correction” in product VECTOR (Configuration) runs now approximately 15 – 30 seconds. In the past it needs between 2 and 3 minutes.


Thanks for help!

Regards Herbert

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Hello Nick,

Please find as new attachment the P3D-scenery list (# 1-22). The last airport add-on I’ve installed was “JustSim-LFMN v3 P3Dv4” as entry #17.

One note – if you compare both pictures above from Munich you can see on the picture of ORBX Germany South a little stadium near the middle of the picture. It looks like a designed object. Whereas o the screenshot out of my installation it seems to be only a photo (ground) picture.

Was this produced by Autogen?

Best Regards



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Sometimes missing autogen can be caused by a bug in Prepar3D. This causes only one set of AutogenDescriptions to be loaded by the simulator (instead of being merged, like they should).


Can you please search for *.spb within the following folders, and let us know the results?

  • C:\P3D\SimMarket
  • C:\Users\FLUSI\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons
  • C:\Addon Scenery
  • C:\Aerosoft
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Hi Ben,

(Unfortunately) I didn't found any *.spb files in the above listed folders. The only ones I found (AutogenDescriptions) are located in folder:




Best Regards


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Hello Ben

I made short before upgrading to “Orbx Central” an image copy from the whole flight simulator disk.

So I would propose to re-copy/install this image back to my simulator and look what happens. It’s easier as doing a full new installation.


I’ll let you know


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The problem has been solved! The reason was that I had installed an airport add-on which provides two setup-files (one for FSX and one for P3D). I’ve only P3D v4 installed.

Unfortunately I installed the FSX-version afterwards the setup for P3D and this creates two “Library-entries” in the scenery. I have un-installed the airport, deleted both libraries and re-installed the add-on (only P3D). Now it works.

Sorry for inconvenience and

Many thanks for your support


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