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Scenery order


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screenshot attached,

Each time I activate/deactivate a new scenery into the sim it jumbles up my orbx entries, I have to go back to orbx central and sync simulator to get proper orbx entries..any clue on what am I supposed to do here? i've tried different insertion points, It used to work fine before when I migrated to orbx central, but now after a fresh install of windows and all addons




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6 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


please try resetting to Airports and Regions below your lowest other addon and openLC below Airports and Regions.

It appears like this as soon as I hit sync simulator, but when I open up my scenery configurator and activate/de activate a scenery it jumbles up orbx scenery insertions idk why..


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6 hours ago, FlyHardiQ said:

does not fix the issue

Hello FlyHardiQ,

May I suggest you try the Lorbi-Si Addon Organiser for P3Dv4, a very good free program.         https://www.lorby-si.com/downloads.html

It will allow you to adjust your library entries up or down including xml entries, be sure to run it as Administrator and Save on completion.

You will still need to follow the 3rd party software above OrbxLibs Airports and Regions, followed by Open LC etc.

It allows you to check and order your scenery library at any time without starting your Simulator

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4 hours ago, FlyHardiQ said:

scenery configurator


What tool are you using to do this? If it doesn't account for add-on.xml files, it will break the layering.


Orbx Central layers add-on.xmls and scenery.cfg entries using the same linear order, so tools like @Smudger has suggested will work better.

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5 hours ago, Mitchell Williamson said:


What tool are you using to do this? If it doesn't account for add-on.xml files, it will break the layering.


Orbx Central layers add-on.xmls and scenery.cfg entries using the same linear order, so tools like @Smudger has suggested will work better.

I use scenery config editor v1.1.9 which I have been using from ages, but I shall try out what @Smudger suggested and let you know :) thanks!

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