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ERROR messages I've never seen before


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Well at this moment I'm confused to say the least,in Orbx Central v 4.0.39 I'm getting these 2 messages (yet my system is working fine !!)


I'm attaching 2 error messages that are there while I'm happily flying with full Orbx detail.


I'm running on 2 x 1TB M.2  V_NAND SSD's  (1st with Win10 64 bit system on (409 GB free) and the 2nd  ( 231GB free) with my P3D v4.5 on)


Any ideas / reconstruction route would be most welcome please.




PS I'l submit my current screen pic to show that ORBX is working on a second ticket now (NB only because it exceeds the upload limit for this forum)


ORBX problem.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers Doug as usual, you sorted my problem it was a one of the files that you identified.


I'm now trying set up my library order including non ORBX products,If I look at the manual for  say ORBX  FTX openLC for Europe it is giving me a different understanding of layers to what I understood was correct.

I always  had VECTOR at the bottom,Base next,then LC then airports and then Library.

Above this with the exception of AUSTRIA East & West which always seemed to look best below base I had all of my add on scenery.

Can you please clarify why FTX open LC is asking for different.

One other item that is doing my head in is trees I have Turbulent Terra Flora on my C:drive and ORBX HD Trees on my P3D drive in the look down view the trees look like crosses.

Any help here would be most welcome too.

I run Win 10 Pro with Intel i9-9900KS, 32 gb of 4K RAM, on a GTX Strix OC GTX 20180TI

Best regards as always


PS I organise with Lorby-Si



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Hi Keith


You can go to settings/Insertion Point and set them like this. It is basically the same as the old days.


Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in Orbx Central Insertion points "Orbx Airports and Regions”, put your last non Orbx 3rd party listed in your scenery library addon in the INSERTED BELOW window.

Then for the "Orbx Global openLC” ensure the Orbx Airports and Regions are in the INSERTED BELOW window.


3 hours ago, Sheldo said:

One other item that is doing my head in is trees I have Turbulent Terra Flora on my C:drive and ORBX HD Trees on my P3D drive in the look down view the trees look like crosses


This is normal.

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Hi Doug,

That is basically how I was set up,but my reasons for trying to be sure I had the correct levels installed was because whilst flying out of LFMN in France I keep encountering the problem of small patches set at night in the landscape (See attached pic)

Thank you so much for your'e response (as always a trooper on this site)

My very best regards



South of France Scenery problem Small.png

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Thanks Keith


I see your Vector entries are in the wrong order and should be placed as in the below image.

I also see a blank entry at the very bottom of your scenery library that should be deleted.

Also, it might be worth activating all the scenery in your scenery library to see what happens.


Vector Entries.PNG

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