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Problem At Old Warden

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I'm having quite a problem with Old Warden, as can be seen by the screenshot. I've run the auto elevation correction in Vector, uninstalled and reinstalled Old Warden to no avail. I have all the True Earth GB, as well as Global Base and Vector. As part of the uninstall and reinstall, I also verified the file. UK2000 VFR Airfields Vol 2 is installed, with Old Warden switched off.

I think the problem might be related to True Earth  GB, as Old Warden has been fine up until now. I hope someone can help!



Old Warden 2.png

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3 hours ago, tigermothpilot said:

UK2000 VFR Airfields Vol 2 is installed, with Old Warden switched off.


Very well possible that this will not suffice but I cannot tell for sure because I don't have the UK2000 VFR Airfields here.

ORBX's Old Warden comes with the following files in the folder scenery\World\scenery to adjust the airport's elevation:




It's possible there are other elevation changing files from the UK2000 package. Just a hint.




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Unfortunately, it's still the same. The craters have gone, but there is still underground. When it loads, and the scenery appears after about 80% it looks good, and then, right at the end, when it's finished loading, there's a white, shimmering, almost like snow, and then it all goes downhill.

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I can find no other way of replicating the error.

I also have the UK 2000 version apparently inactive.




There is no need at all to uninstall anything at this point.


You can disable UK 2000 just by unticking its scenery library entries.

Old Warden is in Volume 2, so start with that and see if the problem is still there.

If it is, keep unticking them one by one until it goes away.

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It wasn't in the Scenery Library, it was in the P3Dv4 Add-ons folder. So, I uninstalled it, and, prior to reinstalling it into the main P3Dv4 directory, I ran the sim, and all was well. I then reinstalled UK VFR V2 into the main folder, turned off Old Warden, and the problem immediately reappeared!

So, I'm stumped. At least now, if I do want to fly from Old Warden, I can turn off the UK2000 airfields, but, obviously can't land at any of them.

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even if the scenery is installed into an outside library, there is no need to uninstall it at all.

Instead of the scenery library, that scenery can be easily unticked in the add-ons menu and

just like the scenery library, it will be completely disabled after the scenery is redrawn.


It looks to me as if there is still an active file in UK2000 VFR Airfields Volume2\scenery,

even after disabling EGTH in the UK 2000 control panel.

Try renaming EGTH_AFX_UK2.bgl to EGTH_AFX_UK2.bgx

You should then have all your volume 2 airports active but see the Orbx EGTH as intended.



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That did it! Thank you. I totally understand about not needing to uninstall, but I was a little unsure how to do it, and was reluctant to keep asking. I also thought there must have been an active file, but had no idea at all where it was. It's your expertise that we all appreciate so much, so thank you again.

May I upload one last "nice screen shot of my aircraft"?


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