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Ground textures issues

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Hello. In these last weeks I had an issue with the ground textures in different places in the world, i.e. Norway, Germany, Canada... but not in other places, i.e. Italy. You can see in the attached screenshot (taken over Duesseldorf): I have night textures instead of day textures. 

I've tried more times to very files of all my Orbx products (Global, Vector, Open LC and various Regions). I've also deleted terrain.cfg, lanuched P3D4 to generate a new one, closed P3D4 and then syncronized the sim with Orbx via Orbx Central Help page, without success. The issue is still present. All my Orbx products are inside P3D4. KI've also noticed that the downloading of the situation from the Main page seems not in the past (only at 6% normally it takes more time to load data), with some pauses between 19% and 24% but it diddn't happen in the past.

Can you help me?

Thank you





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Hi Luca


Have you set the insertion points correctly using the tool in Orbx Central?



Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.
Then in Orbx Central Insertion points "Orbx Airports and Regions”, put your last non Orbx 3rd party listed in your scenery library addon in the INSERTED BELOW window.
Then for the "Orbx Global openLC” ensure the Orbx Airports and Regions are in the INSERTED BELOW window.

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10 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi Luca


Have you set the insertion points correctly using the tool in Orbx Central?



Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.
Then in Orbx Central Insertion points "Orbx Airports and Regions”, put your last non Orbx 3rd party listed in your scenery library addon in the INSERTED BELOW window.
Then for the "Orbx Global openLC” ensure the Orbx Airports and Regions are in the INSERTED BELOW window.


Yes, everything is as you say. This issue it is suddenly appeared, my landscapes were ok from many years until some weeks ago and I've changed nothing. For your information, Orbx entries are below Oshkosh layer as I've always done from FsX to now. In the past I had that issue with a P3D4 update, but with Verify files toll I've solved, but not now.


I'm thinking about to uninstall and reinstall Global Base, but there isn't Uninstall options in Central (different from other sceneries). How can I do?




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16 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:



I would do a verify files of the Orbx Libraries and Global base from within Orbx Central.


I've done it, as I've written: "I've tried more times to very files of all my Orbx products (Global, Vector, Open LC and various Regions)." I don't what to do more than everything I've done, verifying files, deleted terrain.cfg to rengenerate it and the Sim syncr from Central, uninstall and install the regions that seem have the issue (as Norway, Germany North and South). I've tried to see in other places in the world from Beijing to Las Vegas to Nairobi and it seems there are no issues, but I have the iussue in all Norway, in example.

I'm becoming crazy for that.



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I have the same problem as the OP and have taken all of the same steps to resolve, including the advice above regarding scenery layering. It's worth noting that about a month ago I did a clean install of P3D v4.5 and Orbx Central (so, full uninstalls of old versions, manually deleted all leftover folders/registry references etc., and clean installs of everything without a hitch). 

I'm about at the same place now as the OP, running out of patience with this. Is there some known issue within Orbx Central or Orbx sceneries with random night textures appearing during day time? And if so how should we fix it? I get this problem in seemingly random places like the U.S. and parts of Asia. I haven't included a screenshot because the one already posted at the top of this thread illustrates the problem perfectly: night-time textures showing in various places during the day.

I have: Global base pack, Vector, HD trees and buildings, OpenLC North America and Europe, Pacific Fjords region, Northern Rockies region, Norway, Scotland and Dubrovnik Airport. FlyTampa CYYZ landclass textures are disabled through their configurator, Flightbeam's KIAD doesn't add conflicting landclass layers as far as I know, and I recently installed Imagine Sim's WSSS (but had this problem before that.)


What in the h*ll is going on lol. This makes no sense....

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All of the Global and OpenLC products and the Orbx Libraries should be installed into the simulator root folder if these issues persist, not a library folder separate from the simulator.


Is this the case for both of you?


You could also Please post a copy of your “scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg”  file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4.


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3 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:



All of the Global and OpenLC products and the Orbx Libraries should be installed into the simulator root folder if these issues persist, not a library folder separate from the simulator.


Is this the case for both of you?


You could also Please post a copy of your “scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg”  file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4.



Every Orbx sceneries is inside simulator: Base, Vector, various OpenLc, Libraies, variuos Regione and all the airports I've bought. I'm at work, as soon as possibile I'll post the files you requested. Thank you



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On 1/12/2020 at 6:01 PM, Doug Sawatzky said:



All of the Global and OpenLC products and the Orbx Libraries should be installed into the simulator root folder if these issues persist, not a library folder separate from the simulator.


Is this the case for both of you?


You could also Please post a copy of your “scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg”  file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4.



Here are the files you asked me. Maybe you'll see in addon-ons.cfg an entry Windows/System 32. It's a long time there is,, I don't know why and what is the need,  but in the past I've tried to disable it and the sim had problem, I don't remember exactly which problem, but enabling it, the sim worked well again. As I've told you, it's a long time there is that entry and the sim worked well, I think it's non involved with this new issue.

I've attached terrain.cfg too, if you want to have a look.


Thank you, waiting for your help



add-ons.cfg Scenery.cfg terrain.cfg

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your Orbx scenery library entries are all in the wrong places.

Please use the Insertion Point tool to set the Airports and regions to be just below

Lussemburgo and the openLC entries to be just below the Airports and regions.


I note also that among the vast array of other developers' addons are several landclass entries.

These will most likley not sit well with the Orbx open LC products.

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7 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


your Orbx scenery library entries are all in the wrong places.

Please use the Insertion Point tool to set the Airports and regions to be just below

Lussemburgo and the openLC entries to be just below the Airports and regions.


I note also that among the vast array of other developers' addons are several landclass entries.

These will most likley not sit well with the Orbx open LC products.


Thank for your help, I'll do it and try it, but my Insertion Point in Orbx Central displays "below Oshkosh" as I've choosen as always (I choose that pointi from FsX to today and it worked), because Oshkosh is the first addon airport in the bottom of the layers, just above entries like default series of Bases and others default entries. My friends use the same Insertion Point without any issue. Another thing: until one month ago, some places where now I have the issue (i.e. Bergen, Oslo, Tromso... I don't think they have landclasses) worked well, without problems. It is very strange. In other places, addons sceneries with custom landclass has no issues.

What do you think about? I'll try your suggestion, but I'm not sure it will be the solution. I'll tell you if it solved or not as sonn as possibile. This morning I've launched Verify files of Global Base in Orbx Central again (I've done it a lot of times in last month): it has downloaded (a surprise!) about 1 giga of files. I hoped it could be the solution, but nothing: the issue is stille present. How can I uninstall Global Base and try to reinstall?

Thank you again



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Hello Luca,

it is only advice and you are indeed free to ignore it.

If you can make the Orbx products work correctly with the openLC entries above the airports and regions,

then please go ahead.

I think that they will work much better in the correct order.

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Nick, If i were a woman, I would marry you. SOLVED!


I've changed the Insertion Point as you suggested (you can see the screenshot) and now everything work well as in the past with the different Insertion Point I had.


It seems not only that the Orbx layers are different with your suggested order, but all scenery.cfg was rewtritten, it is completely different from the previous one, also the order of all other addons.. Could it be that an addon scenery of other producer has "corrupted" it? The strange thing was the issue happened only in some places in the world and in particular kind of areas, for example some cities or villages and on some hills, not mountains or flat area. I dont' know, but my sim now is perfect as before and I'm very happy.


Thank you a lot for your help. I'll tell my friends to change their Insertion Point too, to avoid any similar issue in the future




Orbx Central.jpg

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Ok well, no marriage offers from me! Adjusted my insertion points after my first post in this thread and that didn't solve it. Uninstalled FlyTampa's CYYZ (and deleted the configurator plus all folders), that still didn't solve it. I uninstalled then reinstalled Orbx Global and that finally did it. Glad it's working again but I wish I knew what had caused the issue for me in the first place - clean install of the new Orbx Central and all my other files prior to having the issue.

It's day - it's night - no no it's day lol. One of the stranger problems I've with flight sim over the years.

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