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New install of Orbx - missing files True Earth

Andy Dixon

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Getting issues and XP11 not loading scenery at all and then quits out, this is a new install due to driver issues on the sound when using VR, I have verified the files to, this has been installing for 2 days now as I re-installed again, any ideas? Help! image.thumb.png.f5f2021bff9dfde37b360732421ba89b.png



Operating system:  Windows 10

Simulator:  XP 11





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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @Andy Dixon,


It appears you've attached your X-Plane log file instead of your Orbx Central.log file.  You can find it at the following locations, or by pressing Control + Shift + L.

  • Windows: %APPDATA%/Orbx/Central/central.log
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Orbx/Central/central.log
  • Linux: ~/.config/Orbx/Central/central.log

I'd suggest also performing a verify files on TrueEarth GB South before attaching your log file.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Josh Koz

Hi @Andy Dixon,


Your error log indicates that X-Plane is installed at F:/ and that the F:/Custom Scenery folder is missing.


Without it Orbx Central can't find your scenery_packs.ini file at  F:\Custom Scenery\scenery_packs.ini. Orbx Central adds entries to the scenery_packs.ini file so X-Plane knows to load the custom scenery.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Josh, I never managed to sort this issue out, since January my simulator isn't working with Orbx at all. I'm now trying to sort it out during lockdown as i have all the time in the world :( im trying to create a new library for true earth files on F:\ but Orbx is staying its not empty when I've formatted the ssd i cannot get round any of this , can help offer any help ? 

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You should not try to create a library without a root folder.

In other words, DO NOT use F:\ but instead create a new empty folder on your F drive,

give it a name that you will easily recognise, such as Orbx X Plane 11 Scenery Library

and then create your new Orbx Central Library at 

F:\Orbx X Plane 11 Scenery Library.


It's all in the Orbx central User Guide. 

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Hi Nick, 


Yes I did manage to sort that issue out and its now working (True earth is back), however, In the last 10 minutes I've purchased EGCK and 5 files fail to extract and I've verified the files and still 5 files are giving errors. This has been saved to my F drive location, I also purchased the Terra Flora with no issues


Any ideas?




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Hi Nick, 


I've checked and verified all other products with no problems. the drives have also been checked for errors and none reported, I've still getting the above and that 5 files are failing to extract. Any help and guidance on this would be great. Thanks in advance.


Stay safe :)



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advice elsewhere from an Orbx Central developer is to delete any backup and try again.

Of course, he had the advantage of central log files to look at.

Please remember that without a copy, diagnosis will be little more than guesswork.

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