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TE US Norther California TE KOAK looks weird


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after installation today the area around KOAK looks not like an Ortho. I've no other airport installed. Also Alcatraz looks not very good. Could someone please check this?

Around KOAK there is Ortho, only this area at the screenshot looks like desert.





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Hi Everyone - 


It's not actually the fault of the Northern California TE scenery, it seems that the "default" airport for KOAK has a default "terrain" texture covering all of it (highlighted in pink, before I hit the "delete" key).


I'm going to try removing it in the freeware Overlay Editor program, and we'll see how it looks....stand by.


All of the True Earth sceneries rely on the Laminar XP11  "default" airports and make no efforts to manipulate them, so sometimes the results can be improved by installing Orbx airports as they're created or other payware or freeware offerings as those are developed.


So you'll see strange things like this, sometimes - or runways that don't line up with the orthos, or strange terrain situations if the developer of the airport used a "1302 flatten 1" entry in the .apt file for the airport - all can be reported and improved with the next updates of XP11, or tweaked yourself if you have the time to do so using freeware tools (most changes are relatively easy).






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Here's default KOAK after the removal of the terrain texture - looks much better to me.


@BradB - your solution sounds intriguing - my scenery.ini file (which is what I believe XOrganizer organizes?) has the "Global Airports" entry above the TrueEarth entries, which is how it should be, so perhaps your default XP11 KOAK didn't have the texture file added?  I'm running version 11.40, and airports are frequently changed between versions.


In any case, Orbx has indeed provided the Orthos for the KOAK premises as part of TE Northern California, it's just a matter of letting them show through whatever airport file you're using above the TrueEarth entires (default or another add on).


(P.S. for those so interested, the "Star Wars" United repaint is for the Zibo 737-800 and replicates the prototype United aircraft now flying around in it's rather stunning livery).










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There is a texture file that comes with KOAK (from the Scenery Gateway) which belongs inside the Global Scenery folder. We need to ask Laminar to update this scenery (or the author directly) as it is loaded above ORBX in your scenery.ini


You could edit the Global Airport using Overlay Editor or WED.


It can be a bit tricky at first but there are videos and instructions online to help.

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20 minutes ago, btaylo24 said:

I have the same issue but don't understand the steps to fix it.



I downloaded the most current version of KOAK airport from the "X-Plane Scenery Gateway" (a website), added it to my Custom Scenery Library, then used Overlay Editor (a freeware program that you can find on the Internet) to open the .apt file and remove the texture overlay, then saved the file.  I'm not sure how to update the Global Airports .apt file, but even if you can I'm not sure that's a very good idea as it would probably get overwritten when a XP11 update is rolled out.


Sorry there are some steps and other freeware programs involved, but you may find that these are valuable (and fun and rather addictive) skills to have if you'd like to enhance or change other airports - TrueEarth packages make amazing improvements to Orthoscenery, autogen, custom POIs, and vegetation/placement, but these features act as a base to complement either the default airports (which are always being improved by users and rolled out with each version of X-Plane) or freeware or payware (like Orbx, or other publishers') enhanced airports. 


As we've seen with the other TE regions, airport improvements and additional payware and freeware airports often to follow a TrueEarth region release, but in the meantime if you're impatient to wait for improvements to airports there are ways to "tweak" things yourself if you're careful and understand the tools involved and (especially) the ordering of the scenery.ini file.


(None of this is "official" Orbx advice for users - but hopefully useful advice to the more adventurous users among Orbx customers :))


Perhaps @Tony Wroblewski can advise on Alcatraz - not sure but perhaps a higher "zoom level" Ortho/mesh tweaks could be incorporated just for the island.



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Im not in anyway an expert but this worked for me:


Step 1 > Open WED (Run in Admin Mode)

Step 2 > Select Global Airports


Step 4 > Under File, Select Import from Airport Scenery Gateway

Step 5 > Type in KOAK and press next

Step 6 > find and select 64041 and click import

Step 7 > Back inside WED, the map should now show KOAK. Click on the texture Image > It should highlight the region, then hit delete.

Step 8 > Click Save

Step 9 > Export Scenery Pack

AW139 - 2019-11-17 04.18.57.png

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Hi Robin


Followed your steps and it looks a ton better. Only thing I am seeing different is that my taxiway and rwy etc are are lighter shade of grey than what you have.

Not sure if its a mod or something else. New to XP .Are you using the HD version?

Also that screenshot you posted looks crystal clear, really nice. Wonder what you are running to make it look so good?



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5 hours ago, Robin Murphy said:

Im not in anyway an expert but this worked for me:


Step 1 > Open WED (Run in Admin Mode)

Step 2 > Select Global Airports


Step 4 > Under File, Select Import from Airport Scenery Gateway

Step 5 > Type in KOAK and press next

Step 6 > find and select 64041 and click import

Step 7 > Back inside WED, the map should now show KOAK. Click on the texture Image > It should highlight the region, then hit delete.

Step 8 > Click Save

Step 9 > Export Scenery Pack

AW139 - 2019-11-17 04.18.57.png

Thanks Robin for your procedure guide. I would however suggest that it is prudent to actually create a new scenery rather than mess with Global Airports. Global Airports i believe will get overwritten with any XP update,

The process you outlined is exactly the same except that when you open up WED choose New Scenery Package instead of Global Airports. Name the new scenery as KOAK, and then follow all the steps you mentioned.

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11 hours ago, Gandalf21 said:

There is an old, but working scenery at the .org https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38846-koak-metropolitan-oakland-intl-airport/&tab=comments#comment-226006

Works, and looks not so bad.


Thanks all for the support.






I am using that scenery and it is a good fix for the lack of orthos, however those giant buildings at the terminal are not part of the scenery and are about 5 times larger than actual terminal building and are being generated by TE. Not sure what is going on with the terminals at OAK.

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For those wanting a "fix" for MisterX6's KSFO, go to his KSFO download page at the X-Plane Org.  He added a fix file.  It's all you need if you already have his KSFO v2.0.1 installed.  READ THE README FILE with it.  You also just DELETE the other 3 folders (the traffic and buildings outside the airport) and have just the airport file folder remaining in your Custom Scenery folder now.

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Here is the link that @FalconAF was referring to.  Also note that within Mister X's San Francisco v2 is a folder called KSFO. That can be removed from the V2 folder and inserted into your Custom Scenery as a standalone airport only


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On 11/17/2019 at 1:45 PM, atavcp said:


I am using that scenery and it is a good fix for the lack of orthos, however those giant buildings at the terminal are not part of the scenery and are about 5 times larger than actual terminal building and are being generated by TE. Not sure what is going on with the terminals at OAK.


Yeah the buildings are messed up

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1 hour ago, Peekayone said:

I have all the True Earth for UK and have just downloaded the TE Northern California.

In San Francisco International there doesn't seem to be very much detail as in no moving ground traffic or ground handling facility

In Oakland area the ground detail looks sparse and there are no roads on approach to the airport. Can anyone confirm what I am seeing is the same as theirs please?




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I'm sort of OK with the road traffic outside of the airport but more the question that there appears to be no ground handling carts, trucks etc moving around KSFO and no ground handling when it comes to service or pushbacks.


Lets face it in the whole everything about ORBX True Earth is brilliantly amazing, the experience I have of the UK areas I'm blown away with. I was more wondering if what I was experiencing around the bay area was as others were seeing?

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My texture slider is set to high. I’m also running in 4K which takes a good chunk of my 1080ti’s resources 


I’m also flying pretty heavy aircraft Flight factor 757 and a A320.


My CPU is a 8700k @5.0 and 32gb of ram. Makes me wonder if going to the HD version will make it a slideshow 

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9 hours ago, Peekayone said:

I'm sort of OK with the road traffic outside of the airport but more the question that there appears to be no ground handling carts, trucks etc moving around KSFO and no ground handling when it comes to service or pushbacks.


Lets face it in the whole everything about ORBX True Earth is brilliantly amazing, the experience I have of the UK areas I'm blown away with. I was more wondering if what I was experiencing around the bay area was as others were seeing?

The KSFO airport is not anything to do with Orbx. You may want to look at all the posts above which show you how to improve KSFO and the land around and within the airport

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9 hours ago, HappyFlyer38 said:

I can confirm Peekayone's experience. In the region of San Francisco, the textures are of poor quality.

The road markings are partially missing. The traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge is also missing.

I am using MacOS.

Thanks for any advice.

Cessna_172SP - 2019-11-19 21.32.20.jpg

Cessna_172SP - 2019-11-19 21.32.39.jpg

Cessna_172SP - 2019-11-19 21.34.04.jpg


The textures are ZL16 so will be much more defined at above 2000ft. The HD version will give a more defined look at lower altitudes at the expense of disk space and loading times. As a point of interest what altitude were your pics taken at?

There is no road traffic across the Golden Gate Bridge in the addon. 

 Your PC specs and XP settings are high so I need to look further into the areas of road markings and textures but I will be flying above 2000ft in my tests as this is the minimum height suggested for the SD version.

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Just completed a comparison test with your images and what i see. The pics are at 2300ft and taken near to where your pics were. My shots ra with NorCal SD .Regarding your comment about the HD version, I don't think it will test your 1080ti to the point of a slide show. The XP settings in Steve Colbert's pic in his post above is ample for a good performance and imagery quality especially with a 4K monitor. His XP settings are exactly as I have mine and what is in use in my pics below on the SD version. Those same settings with the better quality HD imagery is more that sufficient.

Please note that the pics are not showing the exact definition that is een on my 4K monitor

Showing set altitude:



Nera San Fran city



Towards the Golden Gate bridge:



Same shot but zoomed for closer look at the texture quality and roads layout. No breaks or missing road links that appear to my old eyes:)


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10 hours ago, Jrbaird19 said:

That’s great. How will the HD work with heavy aircraft like the A320 and the 757?

I don’t fly low and slow and I’m also running a 1080ti.


I just did a test flight with my Flight Factor 757 and Zibo 737 betwixt KSFO (MisterX) version past downtown San Francisco and landed at Oakland and it was smooth as silk at my locked 30 FPS and 1070 8GB.


Performance seems very similar to HD Seattle - I just can’t get away with pushing my texture slider above “High” without hiccups due to texture swapping if I exceed 8GB...but I find that HD versions of TE look really good on “high” textures.



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Well I thought I had found the answer in amongst the replies. It was as easy as opening up the scenery.ini file and moving the custom scenery Global Airports to below the TE scenery and now it looks like what I expected.

Thanks for the replies./ Will get to understand  this forum topics and where to reply and post next!

This doesn't work because now KSFO is flat without any 3D buildings!!

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10 hours ago, Peekayone said:

Well I thought I had found the answer in amongst the replies. It was as easy as opening up the scenery.ini file and moving the custom scenery Global Airports to below the TE scenery and now it looks like what I expected.

Thanks for the replies./ Will get to understand  this forum topics and where to reply and post next!

This doesn't work because now KSFO is flat without any 3D buildings!!

The correct layering sequence is well established and is as follows:

Top to bottom layering of the scenery_packs.ini:

1. 3rd party addon airports, e.g. MisterX KSFO

2. Global Airports

3. Scenery addons like the Orbx TE series

3 Scenery enhancements like X-Europe, SFD Global etc

4. libraries (can go anywhere but best consolidated in one area of the .ini

5. Ortho4xp Overlays if relevant

6. Ortho4xp imagery if relevant

7. 3rd party mesh if relevant.


You should therefore not have Global Airports below the TE scenery. The result will be flat no building airports.

If we want me to take a look at your scenry_packs.ini the attach it


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5 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

The correct layering sequence is well established and is as follows:

Top to bottom layering of the scenery_packs.ini:

1. 3rd party addon airports, e.g. MisterX KSFO

2. Global Airports

3. Scenery addons like the Orbx TE series

3 Scenery enhancements like X-Europe, SFD Global etc

4. libraries (can go anywhere but best consolidated in one area of the .ini

5. Ortho4xp Overlays if relevant

6. Ortho4xp imagery if relevant

7. 3rd party mesh if relevant.


You should therefore not have Global Airports below the TE scenery. The result will be flat no building airports.

If we want me to take a look at your scenry_packs.ini the attach it


Thanks John, I put the global airports back to where it should be, which brought the 3D airport back, But still KSFO looks sparse, very few statics, no ground transport moving and no ground support pushbacks. I think I will have to put up with it for now and go back to the TE UK scenery.


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