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FTX Central 3 or Orbx Central


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Operating system:  windows 10 Home Edtion

Simulator:  fSX Steam, P3d, X-plane


Issue:  A couple questions please needed for clarification.

1) I have FTX Central v3 installed and working fine.  Do I need to switch to Orbx Central or can one remain with the FTX?

2) Are there steps explained somewhere as to how to upgrade to Orbx Central from FTX Central v3?

3) Must FTX  .... files ...folders ... be uninstalled first?

4) What downloads would be involved in upgrading .... files sizes? I have 82 G remaining on my hard drive.

5) Is Orbx Central 4.0.23 newer than 4.0.6 ... because one would assume 4.0.6 is newer ?

6) If one installs Orbx Central after already having FTX Central must one download and install all of the sceneries again.

I have the following installed through FTX Central 3: FSX Steam.... P3D ........ Global Base Pack, Global openLC Europe,  openLC NA, Mesh SA, Vector, Airport Pack, Orbx Libraries, Lights Config, several airports, Iceland Demo,   X-plane  ....  Orbx Libraries

I have extremely slow internet with limited  download per month.

If I can remain with FTX Central 3 I would be content.

Thanks for any direction



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Hi Jack


1) You will need to switch at some point, any new products will only be available via Orbx Central.

2) There are no steps required, Orbx Central will guide you through when you engage.

3) No

4) None, you can install Orbx Central and it will ask you to allow it to uninstall FTX Central, which you should allow and then you can leave your existing installation untouched as is.

5) Orbx Central 4.0.23 is the newest version released 23 is a higher number than 6 so it is newer.

6)  No, You can install Orbx Central and carry on as though nothing has changed. But you should follow the below basic process, just as you would with FTX Central.

Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date.

I would then go to settings/help and run the Sync Simulator function first.

 Then you can go to settings/Insertion Point and set them like this.

Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in Orbx Central Insertion points "Orbx Airports and Regions”, put your last non Orbx 3rd party listed in your scenery library addon in the INSERTED BELOW window.

Then for the "Orbx Global openLC” ensure the Orbx Airports and Regions are in the INSERTED BELOW window.




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Doug, if I have a country scenery from another developer and an Orbx airport you would want to airport to appear on top of the country to avoid issues.


If all Orbx scenery now have to be below non Orbx scenery there might appear issues with an airport being lower in priority than its country...

How is this solved ?


regards, Gerard 


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Hi Gerard


It has always been this way, even with FTX Central....all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons should be at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.


Arranging scenery with X-Plane is different, and this rule does not apply.

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8 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi Gerard


It has always been this way, even with FTX Central....all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons should be at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.


Arranging scenery with X-Plane is different, and this rule does not apply.

Hi Doug, here I never have used FTX Central for scenery layering. I have always used Addon Organizer .

So Orbx airports like Dubrovnik are on top of my Balcan PR scenery + custom AG.

And I have put all addon airports just above their countries.

So a country has all its airports just above it. 

So after having used FTX Central I restore my library with AO....


I would like to decide how I layer my cfg/xml library.


The moment I can do that with Orbx Central I will switch to it ...







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Hi Gerard


Orbx Central and/or FTX Central have never had the ability to arrange any scenery layering, they only provide a method to choose two insertion points for Orbx products to work in relation to everything else. And Orbx Central is being developed to work nicely with the Lorby tool.




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16 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi Gerard


Orbx Central and/or FTX Central have never had the ability to arrange any scenery layering, they only provide a method to choose two insertion points for Orbx products to work in relation to everything else. And Orbx Central is being developed to work nicely with the Lorby tool.




So if I switch to Orbx Central I can use AO from Lorby Si to layer everything as I would like to ?


But what happens when I use Orbx Central   afterwards to buy/install/update ? Will it modify the way I arranged everything with AO ?


Thanks for helping Doug 


regards, Gerard

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Just to be sure : if I only install Central v4.0.25 and do nothing will it create backups/create installs outside P3D ?


I now have TE NL / FTX Germany / TE Gb South etc inside P3D and for the moment I want to keep it that way.

Already I have made a backup of my 2Tb M2 so no need to put them outside P3D at this moment..


And what happens if the TE Gb South update is being released ? Will it update where it is now ( inside P3D ).


thanks , Gerard

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58 minutes ago, GSalden said:

if I only install Central v4.0.25 and do nothing will it create backups/create installs outside P3D ?


Doing nothing is perhaps not the wisest thing.

You could however check the Downloader section of Orbx Central and see what it set to happen.

You might well want to change the settings.

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