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About GSalden

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Hi Marcus, LOd at High AG both at Dense Water to Off ( but I still can see the sunlight shining in it ) Normal texture size ( so 512 ) As I have triple view 4K setup using HD would be overkill. And with skyfog and raleigh scattering you will not see the difference between 512 and 1024 ground textures anyway.
  2. A little over 1 min with TE Netherlands + FT Schiphol + PSXseeconTraffic Aircraft -+ ASP4 Probably because I am using a M2 SSD.
  3. TE Netherlands for P3Dv4 been released 10 months ago. ... Even a hotfix to correct the mega large barns has not been released. And in december John finally responded that there will be a SP but not very soon ......
  4. I agree. Many things have been mentioned and another Sim versions of TE NL has been released in the mean time.... It has been over 6 months now ...
  5. As the Aerofly version is nearing it’s release they probably have fixed all issues. If that is working out fine then I guess the update for P3Dv4 will be released soon too. Hopefully after Engeland they will consider doing Germany , France and Italy too...
  6. Just curious if there are some new screenshots to share after 3 months as it is very quietly ..
  7. I have to add that I yesterday modified FT EHAM according to Holgers directions and files ....
  8. Performance issues ( memory leak ? ) Example flight: FTX Germany : AS Frankfurt taking off at 07C TU Netherlands : FT Schiphol landing at 18C Wind 140 ( No clouds as there are none today ( ASP4 + ASCA active ) Framerate locked at 25 and no problem achieving that. When arriving over Schiphol and turning North to make U turn over Beverwijk and come back and land on 18C the framerate starts to drop rapidly to 3 fps at landing. When then reloading the scenery framerate goes up to 23 . I tried the same flight with another brands photo real scenery from the Netherlands + Custom AG + another brands 3D objects --> no issues Then turned on UT Netherlands again and made a sightseeing flight for 1 hour at 5000 ft / 240 knots. No issues. However when climbing at the south of the Netherlands to 15000 ft m, flying across the border with Germany , turn left towards the IJssel lake / Amsterdam direction and then fly the same route as when coming from Frankfurt , to land on the 18C the same issue appears and framerat starts to drop till 3. As a last thing I did was flying at 5000 ft for 1 hour over the area Schiphol - The Hage - Rotterdam an no issues. But I stayed away from the area North of Schiphol. As the framerate drops in the same area I am starting to think about a memory leak. System : 7940x 14 cores at 4.8 Ghz 32 Gb 3200 MHz CL14 1080TI OC all SSD SATA 600 only
  9. Coming from the Norrhsea with The Hague lying in front ( Scheveningen ) of me and Rotterdam far in the back , 5/7 seconds after arriving over land there are multiple big stutters. Even with Scenery disabled ( no inner city of The Hague ) those stutters exist. Multiple people have experienced these stutters at the same place My pc : 7940x 14 cores cpu @ 4.8 Ghz / 3200 MHz 32 Gb CL14 / 1080 TI / 6x SSD 600
  10. The density of the inner cities is controlled by the scenery Complexity slider. With sparse they are of and replaced by AG buildings . Above sparse they are all there. So not extra buildings per notch up. Because other addons use this slider too and add extra objects per notch up setting it to sparse is not an option. In an earlier post I wrote about a less dense AG package for larger cities . That might help a lot
  11. Question for the developers : Would it be possible to make : 1 a less Dense overall AG set as a base to start with ( perhaps 50% of the 1.59 GB ) ? Normal is as Very Dense with other scenery. The difference in AG density compared to other addons is enormous or 2 an option to choose less AG for larger cities like Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Groningen . Especially Amsterdam with all its canals and Schiphol next to it with lots of AI aircraft is very taxing on the system Now people with less high end systems , or multi view systems like me , have to turn off water and cloud shadows to avoid stutters The scenery is looking superb but a little more breathing space to have a stable and fluid sim would also be very welcome.
  12. Did you really think that every building/object would be present ?..
  13. At Amsterdam I see places without buildings and some trees in the water. I also have a request : can there be made a second AG set that is less dense to start with ? On my triple view setup ( 14 cores 7940X@4.8 Ghz ) I have to use Sparse-Normal to fly without stutters . However , other scenery , like Germany FTX then have too little buildings/trees. There I can fly with AG set to Dense. A more AG balance between the TrueEarth series and FTX Regions would be very welcome
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