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TerraFlora install hangs


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I tried to install TerraFlora using Orbx Central. It has now been sitting at "Finalizing and Cleaning up" for 4 hours. Not very encouraging. You folks create some very nice high quality products. Why do you need to install an executable on my machine? It seems invasive with no benefit. Do I need to firewall it for privacy or is it a "nice" app? I just don't get why you can't give us your great products, charge us, and be happy. The fact that the installer doesn't work certainly is no help.

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11 hours ago, maineman said:

I tried to install TerraFlora using Orbx Central. It has now been sitting at "Finalizing and Cleaning up" for 4 hours. Not very encouraging. You folks create some very nice high quality products. Why do you need to install an executable on my machine? It seems invasive with no benefit. Do I need to firewall it for privacy or is it a "nice" app? I just don't get why you can't give us your great products, charge us, and be happy. The fact that the installer doesn't work certainly is no help.

Please check in your Custom Scenery folder if in fact Terra Flora has installed. It should be about 26MB in size. It maybe an Orbx central problem. Also try rebooting your PC and reinstalling.

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I had previously installed the 6B6 and 2B2 packages from you folks and when I uninstalled everything and installed it all again with Orbx Central, everything works. It all is nice but I now have a crash problem that I opened another topic for. I still seriously have trouble with the choice of using an exe to do simple installs on my machine. It just enables security problems and adds unnecessary complication.

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