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Missing Portland Objects after updating Oregen HD with Central 4.0.13


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When loaded it up last time Orbx Central updated itself to 4.0.13.   It showed Oregon HD had an update which I ran.  It appeared to download and install ok.  However X-Plane crashes when starting at Portland with these errors shown in the X-Plane log:


0:01:05.379 E/SCN: Failed to find resource '../NW_Oregon_Portland_Textures_2048/TE_USA_RG_Tilikum_Crossing_ALB.png', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom/objects/nw_oregon_portland/'.
0:01:32.972 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: setjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf
0:01:32.972 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom/objects/nw_oregon_portland_textures/TE_USA_RG_Steel_Bridge_NRM.png
0:01:32.972 E/SYS: THREAD FATAL ASSERT: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../core/TEX/TEX_png.cpp:85
--=={This application has crashed!}==--


Looks like objects are missing - I've tried to run the Verify Files option, but this has never worked on any version of Central, just spins its wheels endlessly.

I've rebooted, reinstalled Central, etc..the issue remains.


I got around this by deleting the updated Oregon files and restoring the original working files from a backup.  


***** ******* As I sit here I just noticed (without any prompting from me), that Central has automatically started to run the Oregon HD Update AGAIN!   WHY is that happening?   Looks like I'll have to go through the whole procedure to put the old files back all over again.. this is crazy.


Posting here as I posted 3 days ago in the Central forum, but no response.


Thanks for any advice or help.


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@Basilrug I took a look at several posts regarding problems with the Oregon update. It appears that a complete uninstall/reinstall is the only method at present to ensure a complete update. There is a problem with Orbx central on this update and I believe the Central devs are looking into it.

In the meantime I am going to ask @Nick Cooper to move this post into the Orbx Central forum, and I apologise for the lack of response to your particular posts in the Central Forum but it is a problem that has been acknowledged by the Devs.

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Jon, thanks for your prompt reply, it's nice to know with the issues I've had, which are major (going back a month now) that you are listening.  Communication is key, so thank you.


couple of specific questions please?


1/ does Central auto update files without asking?  Or was that some kind of anomoly?  It just starting running the Oregon HD update by itself.


2/  central has never worked for me until this latest version where I see activity and downloading now etc.. never did before it just spun its wheels no matter what procedure I tried to do.   So knowing that, is there's any resolution on the horizon for the Verify Files function which does not work for me now?   This function did work on previous Central versions.


I am now going to try the complete uninstall...reinstall of Oregon HD.  I'll post the results.   Fortunately I have a backup of the original files that I can go back to if it fails.    But as a paying customer, I would love to have a full working version of the latest update.


thanks for your time.


the scenery is amazing, the install process is grueling!




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not wishing to intrude too much, the Orbx Central User guide is a very useful document and includes this full answer to your question 1/




Automatic Updates


Automatic updates allow for your products to always have the latest bug fixes, patches and improvements without having to worry about keeping track of versions. With automatic updates, if an issue is found in a product we’ll push out a fix and Orbx Central will automatically update and apply the fix without any action required on your end at all.


When will products be updated?

By default, products will automatically update when a new version is released. Central will also check for product updates upon launch and automatically install these after a short time. Central will check all installed products for updates so if you have a large number of products that aren’t up to date you may find your Orbx Central download queue filled with products requiring updates.


Disabling automatic updates

If you wish to disable automatic updates entirely you uncheck ‘Enable auto updates’ option within Settings > Auto Updates.


Automatic updates can also be disabled for all new products or on a product by product basis.  To disable automatic updates on a specific product simply find it within the list of installed products within Settings > Auto Updates and click the ‘Disable’ button next to the product.



You can read the whole guide by opening Orbx Central and clicking on Your name\Help\User Guide Open icon.




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Thanks Nick.  For now I'm going to opt out for a while, just getting too burned out on the merry go round of fixes.   My 3 personal machines just cannot run Central successfully unfortunately.   Im sure with the amount of attention Central is getting the bugs will all be resolved in the future and that's when I will join in again.


thanks for following up.


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