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TE Oregon HD new ver 1.1.0 xplane 11.36


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Alright guys, I was going to ask for a full refund for TE Oregon HD due to it not looking as advertised, referring to the blurry ground textures with no sharpness comparing to how beautiful TE Washington HD looks...


Well against my better judgement, I thought I’ll give Orbx another try and wait for the patch that is suppose to fix things...


well I’ll I just downloaded the patch all 48 gigs of it, installed it, verified it, loaded xplane and WOW!!!


nothing literally was fixed or changed!!!!!


I loaded up Pearson field in Oregon which is not too far from cities and Portland, first thing noticed still a blurry mess for ground textures which look disgusting compared to TE Washington HD!!!


next I take off up to 500 feet and half mile from airport gaining altitude and lo and behold all those bland textures that are suppose to be grey or another color are still purple tinted!!!!!


these issues were suppose to be addressed and fixed? Waited weeks ??


so once again who do I need to talk to at orbx to request a full refund from the USA for a falsely advertised product????


because in no way shape, or form does TE Oregon HD look anything like “High Definition” compared to other TE products from Orbx!!!!


others in this support forum have shown screenshots of the purple tinted blurry mess and complained. It’s like orbx just threw this one together and claimed it’s as detailed as TE Washington HD which it is not!!!!


i would include the screenshots but I shutdown my pc too soon in disgust and jumped on my iPad to vent my frustration in this support forum. So far I have not received the support I expect from a company I spent lots of dollars on using their products...


So if there is no fix for blurry ground textures and purple tinted ground textures that can’t be color corrected, you guys have a lot of money to refund back to your loyal customers, please inform us how to do that step by step!!!!


thank you.


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@Nick Cooper, what @skyhawk21 is describing is what I and other also experience in the other thread that I made. Oregon 1.10 is not what @John Venema before and after shots are showing, it seems like the color issues are not fixed. This is very frustrating because I have also been waiting for weeks for this fix. 


We need an answer from ORBX. Tomorrow is the 5th day since the 1.10 release and I have read no official ORBX reply about what is going on here. When can we expect a reply? If this reply won't come for the next days, I will also have to ask for a refund.


I can understand a mistake, but I can't understand no replies.

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1 hour ago, Tony Wroblewski said:


I've replied to you in that thread, but it does seem to me initially that you're somehow still on the old version.


I replied to that thread Tony. I think you are right, it seems a whole folder is missing.

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there is no missing folder, the original path given was incorrect.

However, the solution is apparently that Orbx Central did not perform the update correctly

and now the product must be completely uninstalled and reinstalled to see the revised textures.


If it's any consolation at all, the same apparent malfunction has affected me too.

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