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Can't Update to Oregon HD 1.1.0


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31 minutes ago, JohnVulcan said:

Hi Breeze, as this is definitely a Central issue, I'd suggest you move this topic to the ORBX Central Support Forum as you'll probably get a better response there.



I think you're right but I can't move it.  Maybe a moderator will.  Don't want to double post. 

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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @Breeze,


The 'update' button would be disabled due to an anti-requisite being installed. Both TrueEarth US Oregon HD and TrueEarth US Oregon SD shouldn't both be installed at the same time. Can you try uninstalling TrueEarth US Oregon SD. The 'update' button for should then become enabled.

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10 hours ago, Josh Koz said:

Hi @Breeze,


The 'update' button would be disabled due to an anti-requisite being installed. Both TrueEarth US Oregon HD and TrueEarth US Oregon SD shouldn't both be installed at the same time. Can you try uninstalling TrueEarth US Oregon SD. The 'update' button for should then become enabled.


I've never installed TE US Oregon SD and it is not currently installed.  Thanks for responding Josh.




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did you try doing what Josh asked?

Orbx Central is showing it as installed, so it should be possibile to tell it to uninstall it and solve your problem.

The fact that it is not installed is not in dispute, you are just being asked to click on Uninstall and see if the error goes away.

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8 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


did you try doing what Josh asked?

Orbx Central is showing it as installed, so it should be possibile to tell it to uninstall it and solve your problem.

The fact that it is not installed is not in dispute, you are just being asked to click on Uninstall and see if the error goes away.


There is no Uninstall option or link to click on.  Was never installed.


I have however apparently solved the problem by clicking on Verify Files for Oregon HD.  Orbx Central then proceeded to download the whole 57GB and uncompress and install it.  The update was not previously installed and all Auto Updates are disabled.


I also noticed some of my other products were updated even with Auto Update disabled and Receive notifications for product updates checked.


Even with the Oregon HD update which apparently is now installed, I notice the orthos for the area around Hillsboro have not been updated and still show the ugly purple or lavender color.  Can you confirm this so I know if my update is complete or not?


Sorry to say I've never been unhappy with an Orbx product until now. 


Thank you for trying to assist in resolving this, I appreciate it.


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Guest Josh Koz


7 hours ago, Breeze said:

There is no Uninstall option or link to click on.  Was never installed.

In your provided screenshot TrueEarth Oregon SD appears as installed. This blocks the update of Oregon HD. 


The Orbx Central 4.0.10 release post details how to fix this issue. 


On 8/23/2019 at 2:36 PM, Ben McClintock said:

Oregon HD and SD both showing as installed
The easiest way to resolve this is to rename one of the Oregon version text files so that Orbx Central can distinguish the two products.


  1. Find your install of TrueEarth US Oregon. This will either be in <xp11>/Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom, or if you installed it to a library, it will be <library>/Orbx TrueEarth US Oregon SD/Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom` or <library>/Orbx TrueEarth US Oregon HD/Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom (depending on whether you have the SD or HD version installed).
  2. If you have the HD version installed, rename version.txt to version_us-oregon-hd-xp11.txt. If you have the SD version installed, rename version.txt to version_us-oregon-sd-xp11.txt.





7 hours ago, Breeze said:

I also noticed some of my other products were updated even with Auto Update disabled and Receive notifications for product updates checked.

This shouldn't be the case and sounds like a bug. Which products did you notice automatically updated despite the setting being disabled?


7 hours ago, Breeze said:

Can you confirm this so I know if my update is complete or not?

You'll need to attach your central.log file so I can confirm that there weren't any issues completing the installation. 



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@Josh Koz


1.  Screenshot showing My Products




2.  Version text is already version_us-oregon-hd-xp11.txt in the <xp11>/Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom directory.


3.  Automatically updated:

EGBC Manchester City to version 2.0.0

EGHR Chichester/Goodwood to version 1.1.5

74S Anacortes to version 1.0.1 (unsure)

EGFF Cardiff to version 1.1.0

EGKA Shoreham to version 1.1.0

EGSG Stapleford to version 1.1.0


I haven't updated any of the above since the original version.


4.  Central Log file attached for your review.


Thanks for your time Josh.



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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @Breeze


If these automatic updates had occurred automatically ,the output of the this update occurring has unfortunately already been rotated out of the log. However I have made a task internally to investigate any issues with the autoupdate settings.


Your log does indicate that Oregon HD did complete correctly so any issues wouldn't be related to the installation.

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