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TE Britain lit textures

david broome

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After the first release of TE Britain South and Central it was noted that many custom buildings had their night textures missing and even after the service packs this was not fixed.

For example TE Central Manchester city centre is in complete darkness and TE South London business district has also suffered a power cut but these are just obvious examples as other buildings have lit textures missing.

Is this going to be addressed any time soon as despite these being amazing products having very obvious missing lit textures so long after release still is less than ideal.

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The only person that could answer that would be @Tony Wroblewski. The situation regarding building lighting in TEGB has been around for a while. Examples quoted were Canary Wharf finance buildings and Manchester city centre, both of which are black at night. Lighting in buildings have improved a lot in recent TE releases so I too am interested to know if anything can be down about the lighting in TEGB.

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We are currently working on a backlog of other issues. The night lighting on these buildings will require a full remodel and retexture of each building since they are pretextured 3d city models that we ported over to X-Plane, so although we are continuing to add more POIs to our existing regions, it's lower on the priority list at present as we address other issues.

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18 hours ago, Tony Wroblewski said:

We are currently working on a backlog of other issues. The night lighting on these buildings will require a full remodel and retexture of each building since they are pretextured 3d city models that we ported over to X-Plane, so although we are continuing to add more POIs to our existing regions, it's lower on the priority list at present as we address other issues.


Thank you Tony, sorry to hear it is down the pecking order but since it requires more than just simple lit textures I guess it is understandable.

However night flying around city areas is not really a worthwhile option with TE Britain currently with whole city centres blacked out so I hope it isn't too far back.

It still looks amazing in day time though so thanks for your hard work.

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