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EGLC no files to download p3d v4.5

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5d682319a2ff5. FTC central says no files to download when I click on product owned. Seems others have this issue too. I have a ton of your sceneries and never had a problem.., keep me updated on a fix please. looks great!




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Ya Nick, I have ORBX Central. I go to my page and go to Europe and it shows I own EGLC. I click on it to download ( you own this product) and it comes back with "There are no downloads available for this product" for whatever reason. I own probably 40 or so ORBX sceneries and have not had any problem. For whatever reason this one does not do anything and I am not sure why. 


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I am using Orbx Central and it tells me that there is no download available.


I go to my account and click on EGLC , click on download via orbx central and I get a message saying 'address wasn't understood' !!!


What do I do next?



Edwin Dibb-Fuller

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edwindf, there ar NO ORBX Central v 3,  the version of ORBX Central is 4.0.10 All v 3 are FTX Central. As I undestand it EGLC can NOT be downloaded with FTX Central. as it says on the product page. "You will need Orbx Central to download and install the product.



the Swede in Spain

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