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Strange Display of textures after ORBX Central


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Operating system:  Windows 7

Simulator:  P3Dv4.5-hf1

Screenshot:  See below

Issue:  Strange display of textures after installing ORBX Central


Please look at the attached picture that clearly shows a black texture and a another "bad" texture located right up in the picture. This is in P3Dv4.5-hf1 near KVPS airport, but happens also in other places. This is happening after installation of the new ORBX Central.

I can confirm that:

1. I have ORBX Central installed (v4.0.6, latest).

2. I have not FTX Central installed.

3. I have not made any scenery migration, and all ORBX files should be (or "are", actually I'm not so sure what exactly ORBX Central would be doing) in its original folder within the main P3D directory.

4. I'm probably suffering from a kind of "Global openLC fallback texture location" syndrome, even without (intentional) migration of any ORBX files. In any case, if this is not that syndrome, at least I'm suffering from something created after installation of ORBX Central.

Following your advise in previous posts, I tried to uninstall Global BASE and install it again, but ORBX Central don't allow me to uninstall it, so I'm stuck and don't want to venture into installing FTX Central again and have another potential source of problems by having two installs in paralell, one for ORBX Central and one for FTX Central.

A careful analysis and advise is needed from ORBX. Of course, a fresh install of P3D is not a solution I'm looking for (just in case!).

Thanks in advance, Ed

Bad Textures.PNG

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just to help things along, here is what KVPS looks like to me, in exactly the same scenario,

Orbx Central installed, no changes made to P3D v4.

Scenery.cfg file created by Orbx Central.




To help the developers, can you (both) please attach a copy of your scenery.cfg file and  screen shot of your in-game add-ons list.




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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:


just to help things along, here is what KVPS looks like to me, in exactly the same scenario,

Orbx Central installed, no changes made to P3D v4.

Scenery.cfg file created by Orbx Central.


As Whisper said before, in my picture the airport is KHRT, Hurlburt Field - an US military base - near Valparaiso KVPS, as mentioned in my original post so, it's not exactly the same scenario.  I never mentioned it was at KVPS (I said near) (for god's sake!, isn't that difficult!) :banghead:

Just outside that airport (KHRT) in my picture, there's also a faulty texture display, just to the west of KHRT. But nice to see you don't have the same issue. Good for you.

In fact, the strange look shown by Whisper is very similar to what I have here, to the point that I can say we have exactly the same problem. Good to know I'm not alone (at least) and therefore you/ORBX have now more reasons to further investigate.

As per your request, I'm attaching the Scenery.CFG file, modified/created by ORBX Central.

Cheers, Ed





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Hello Ed,

it really is not necessary to accompany each post with a rant.

As you can see, I am trying to help.


Perhaps it is a different culture where you are but from the perspective of

the UK, your post is little more than an attempt at ridicule and only the

last line is of any value.


As your image is of KHRT, it might have been better to have written that

instead of "near KVPS airport", particlarly as you seem to be implying that

my comprehension of the English language is lacking.


You have yet added screen shot of your in-game add-ons list

as requested.


You might wish to try amending your scenery library order to match this one.


Yours                                                                                                                           Suggested reorder  



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Hello Whisper,

for some reason, your scenery.cfg file is showing the same order of the Open LC areas.

You might wish to reorder yours too.

The other thing that could be worth trying is to temporarily disable the FSAD scenery library

entries that you both have in common.

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Aha, good catch Nick !

will do the test later on the day, now working time for me.....

I let you now if it works.

Wath can be the reason from disorder?, i never change the order in de orbx order....

I presume that with “orbx!openlc_base” on the top, it is very bad for all representations over europe and America?

is there a difference between “baze” and “zbaze”?

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Hi Nick,

bad news :(


reorganisation of the scenery.cfg file give no result. just the same thing.

Strange enough i have 2 items who where to replace


after that done, restart the sim with no changing view, still the same black issues.

(I made the checq in the sim if the reorganisation was ok, and it was)


Strange enough after synchronisation in the "Orbx Central" this 2 items where reset to the same wrong place!


disabling FSAD also give no result

(FSAD is from fsAerodata, changing navigation data to recent one, see www.fsaerodata.com )



also i made a screenshot like yours over KVPS and see some differences with your view.

I marked them in red.... some differences in texture and roads.... VECTOR issue? or LC?



KVPS issue.png

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Hi Nick:


Tried out the suggested order in the scenery.CFG that you suggested in your previous post.

Regretfully the problems persist, as you can see in the attached picture over KHRT.


Three more comments:


1. The layering order in the pack of ORBX products is being altered by ORBX Central itself when it runs. Try to check for yourself. This shouldn't happen. One thing are the insertion points and another thing is the ordering of ORBX products within the "pack". If this not clear, please tell and I can clarify more. I've said this several times before and seems to be overlooked.


2. The FSAD entries (probably you know, but I mention anyway) have only to do with FSAeroData, which is an updated database of navaids, airports, etc., replacing the old (2007 or so) navdata included with the default P3D. Nothing to do with the current issue. So, disabling or enabling them will do nothing.


3. To me, the issues are more serious than just layering order. Seems to me (because I don't have reference pictures to proof it) that previous objects that were drawn around KVPS are not present anymore (like power lines, antennas, etc.) probably suggesting a conflict with Vector or the Autogen.


Hope this helps and this information is shared with the ORBX development team.


Thanks for your help, Ed


NOTE: Just for clarification: it's not a matter of culture (lived in France for several years and know the european culture) or an attempt to the ridicule or to suggest a lack of knowledge of the english language. No, it's not that. It's just an attempt to call your attention to suggest to try to read better what is exactly being said (or written) to avoid misinterpretations and more frustration around all this, for all of us.


KHRT on 170819.PNG

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That is at least one difference between mine and your installation.

I have not let Orbx Central make that update.

Unfortunately, I don't have all the answers and those that do are away for the weekend.

I am hoping that by gathering all the information from you both before they return,

they will be able to give you a speedy answer.

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Hi Nick:

Attached are the two addons-cfg files from %AppData% and %ProgramData% folders in *.txt format.

If you look down on the first file (the one from the %AppData% folder), you'll see an entry for the ORBX ObjectFlow2 that makes a reference (within its own add-on.xml file) to a non-existent path, so, in other words, the ObjectFlow 2 module is not currently installed. It was supposed to be installed by ORBX Central?. I previously reported this issue on a separate thread.

Thanks again and looking forward for more suggestions from the rest of the development team.




add-ons (AppData).txt add-ons (ProgramData).txt

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/17/2019 at 1:44 PM, Nick Cooper said:

Thanks, I do hope that the developers will be able to tell you what has gone wrong.


This remains unsolved. Hope someone at ORBX will take his time and look into this!.

Regards, Ed

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Perhaps this might help:




The post is from a thread I started a year ago. It appears that whatever the actual cause it has yet to be resolved. I have encountered it on the odd occasion since that time and the solution has always been the same: the reinstallation of OpenLC NA.




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On 8/27/2019 at 1:59 PM, Cruachan said:



Perhaps this might help:




The post is from a thread I started a year ago. It appears that whatever the actual cause it has yet to be resolved. I have encountered it on the odd occasion since that time and the solution has always been the same: the reinstallation of OpenLC NA.





Thanks, Mike, will take a look into it. I'm currently out of my sim PC, but come in from time to time here to see if the issue has been resolved. I noticed it just after my first flights after installation of ORBX Central.

Unfortunately ORBX people are not useful enough to help users after they've created all these type of situations. To my surprise, they're actually blaming LM!.

Thanks again, Ed

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7 hours ago, edpatino said:

Thanks, Mike, will take a look into it. I'm currently out of my sim PC, but come in from time to time here to see if the issue has been resolved. I noticed it just after my first flights after installation of ORBX Central.


Hi Ed,


This issue can be caused by a range of things, so the only way to know if it has truly been resolved is to try it out when your back on your sim PC.


The main causes of this style of issue that we're aware of are the following:

  • openLC isn't layered correctly and is placed above regions - fixed in the next Central update being released likely within the next 24 hours (if no major issues arise)
    • also will be resolved by a new opt-in advanced layering system in the next update
  • openLC textures don't fallback to Global Base when both are installed into a library - working with Lockheed on this issue
    • we now require installing Global Base into the simulator as a workaround
  • Global Base OLC Base layer is named incorrectly - fixed in a Global Base update releasing shortly

By taking a look at your scenery.cfg, it is likely the third issue listed above is the cause in your case.

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On 9/4/2019 at 8:34 PM, Mitchell Williamson said:

Global Base OLC Base layer is named incorrectly - fixed in a Global Base update releasing shortly


Ok, big thanks to Mitchell and Ben for the posts above. I agree that most probably the third item could be the root cause of the issue. The first two don't look like they are, since the order of layers seems to be Ok, and I haven't moved any ORBX product to a library outside the main P3D folder using ORBX Central.

I'll check once the updates are released and a new ORBX Central is installed in my system. I can only do that when I'm back home in three weeks (still out for vacation, but coming to the forums from time to time) and will report back. Hopefully in the meantime there's some feedback from other users who are experimenting the same.

Thanks again, Ed


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Hi there,

it was a while, but after vacation ik started back my sim and checked the problem with OC.


With the advisory mensioned above i give it a try


- first disabled "Frozen Surface" in Global Vector --> no result, same issue

- then before uninstal and reinstal "openLC Noth Amarica" i decidet to do a "Verify Files" from al my products exept the airports.

so doing for; Global Base pack, Buildings HD, Trees HD,VECTOR, open LC Europe, open LC Noth America, all regions, Australia v2, England, Germany Noth, Germany South, Norway, Scotland, Wales, all NA regions, NZ Norh Island and South Island, cityscape Portland, Orbx Libraries, Devils Tower, Monumant Valley, Yosemite National park and Orbx ObjectFlow. --> and guess what ...... problem resolved ! ....... the black textures where dissapeared and i had the same texture on KVPS as Nick showes in his screenshot above.


so these actions where made with OC v4.0.10, buth had still the problem that after "Sync Simulator" the sceneryorder was incorrect

  VECTOR entrys above "FSGlobal Ultimate NG", while it must been below

  OLC_BASE on top of OPENLC entrys while it must be beneth (so said Nick)


- this morning updated OC to v4.0.12, started "Sync Simulator" but have still the same issue, sceneryorder is not correct.


See in attachements how i think the order must be in accordance with a overview i mensioned in post 



Hope this help a little.

More detailed information over the correct sceneryorder will be welcome !


Good luck guys. I still have faith in your product


kind regards,









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I have the same problem . I have added it to the TEGBS forum as I believed that it was connected to that addon and the London City airport that I had just added. That was after I had 

added the new FTX Central . From the screen shots it looks as if the same type of texture tile are displaying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, 


I am jumping in here because I have been having this exact same issue for a long time now. Way before ORBX Central. And it is still unresolved. In fact after upgrading to ORBX Central the issue is worse now.


See my post here - 



The black texture issue can be resolved by reinstalling OLC NA. However doing so would mess up my global textures as seen in the above thread (post #11). Reinstalling Global would fix that issue, however it would reintroduce the black squares in NA.


I decided to just reinstall Global and fly that way as the global textures are more important to me, and I just stopped flying in the US.


However now having updated to ORBX Central, I first left everything as it was, and it worked as it was before Central.


I then tried to reinstall OLC NA to get rid of the black squares, but as before, that messed up my global textures.


Then I tried to reinstall Global to go back to the way it used to be, however that is not working for me now. Even though Global reinstalls the texture issue remains. I wonder if I have some other issue with my sim, but this is a recent fresh install as well.


The deleting of the terrain.cfg solution mentioned in the above post doesn't work anymore either since ORBX Central doesn't seem to go through teh "Activating Scenery" phase as FTX Central did.


I have attached my scenery.cfg, terrain.cfg and contenterrors.txt here.


Any help would be appreciated.

Scenery.cfg terrain.cfg ContentErrors.txt

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Hi all,


As I've mentioned previously, there is three most likely causes of this kind of issue. To give an update, I've made adjustments below in bold:


On 9/5/2019 at 10:34 AM, Mitchell Williamson said:
  • openLC isn't layered correctly and is placed above regions - fixed in the next Central update being released likely within the next 24 hours (if no major issues arise)
    • also will be resolved by a new opt-in advanced layering system in the next update - this has been released and can be enabled in Settings, Insertion Point, Enabled Advanced Layering.
  • openLC textures don't fallback to Global Base when both are installed into a library - working with Lockheed on this issue
    • we now require installing Global Base into the simulator as a workaround
  • Global Base OLC Base layer is named incorrectly - fixed in a Global Base update releasing shortly
    • this update has been released


In addition, the following may also resolve the issue:

  • Press 'Verify Files' on Orbx Libraries
  • Press 'Sync Simulator' in Settings, Help
On 9/22/2019 at 10:13 PM, RancidViper said:

The deleting of the terrain.cfg solution mentioned in the above post doesn't work anymore either since ORBX Central doesn't seem to go through teh "Activating Scenery" phase as FTX Central did.


Pressing 'Sync Simulator' in Settings, Help will achieve a similar result.


If you continue to have issues, please create a new individual topic detailing your issues. It is difficult to support multiple people in a single thread.

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On 9/24/2019 at 9:59 AM, Mitchell Williamson said:

If you continue to have issues, please create a new individual topic detailing your issues. It is difficult to support multiple people in a single thread.


Well that has broken everything now.


I will create a new topic tonight. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

After installing updates for Global Base and Vector and doing a Verify Files action in all the Global Products and manually reordering both the openLC and Vector entries in the scenery.CFG file according to remarks given by Nick in post #7 of this thread and post #6 of the thread:

i've been able to restore everything back to normal, and the display of textures at KHRT/KVPS is correct, with no black or missing textures. All normal again. Thanks to everyone for their valuable input in this and other similar threads to point me in the right direction.

Now, as I understand, people are still experimenting bad texture display issues when they perform a sync of the simulator within ORBX Central, and this issue is being looked to be resolved with the release of ORBX Central 16+ (currently in open beta, I think). I don't have it installed (running ORBX Central 15 now) and don't want to install it until is the ORBX Central 16 is officially released. Regretfully, until this latter issue is resolved we will have to manually do the scenery.CFG reordering each time after ORBX Central is run to do a sync of the simulator or to install or uninstall any new or existing ORBX product.

I'm all right?.

Cheers, Ed


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Hi Ed,


On 10/6/2019 at 5:12 AM, edpatino said:

Now, as I understand, people are still experimenting bad texture display issues when they perform a sync of the simulator within ORBX Central, and this issue is being looked to be resolved with the release of ORBX Central 16+ (currently in open beta, I think).


Correct, 4.0.16 is currently in Fastlane which aims to fix layering issues with Vector. It will be fully released in the coming days.

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9 hours ago, Mitchell Williamson said:

Hi Ed,



Correct, 4.0.16 is currently in Fastlane which aims to fix layering issues with Vector. It will be fully released in the coming days.


Ok, thanks. Hopefully all this will be finally sorted out!.

Cheers, Ed

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@Mitchell Williamson @Ben McClintock I'm addressing this message to you, as developers, since this topic was recently analyzed by both of you:

I’m opening a separate thread titled  “Unwanted/incorrect reordering of the scenery.cfg file” in ORBX Central Support Forum after installing a new ORBX airport (in my today's case it was EGLC - London City) using ORBX Central v4.0.16.

After closing ORBX Central I had to perform some manual reordering of the affected entries, as described in the new topic, to avoid problems with the display of textures.

Cheers, Ed

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