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So a few weeks ago I bought some of the orbx add-ons and it worked fine (Base Pack, Vector, OpenLC Europe, Trees HD and Buildings HD).


A few days ago I launched P3Dv4 as usual, but when I started the flight, I noticed a lot of textures were missing.




I took these 2 screenshots 20 min ago and as you can see, even the sky seems laggy. I really have no idea what's going on, I tried reinstalling all my orbx add-ons but it didn't work


Can someone help me ?

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the theory behind this is that Environment Force dynamically modifies the shaders to

achieve the effect that is its purpose.

If you then do not run it, the shaders are modified and do not display the textures correctly

unless Environment Force is active.


Because I did not always remember to start Environment Force before P3D, I have added an

entry to the exe.xml that starts Environment Force with P3D automatically.

I did the same with Active Sky, so now, whenever I start P3D, they both start with it and I see

live weather and the shader modifications to go with it.

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Hello Bert,


before I do, I should point out that this is not supported by Rex, as far as I am aware

or HiFi and has nothing at all to do with Orbx either.


It is my own solution that works for me.


The exe.xml file that I added to is to be found at

C:\Users\your user account name\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\exe.xml


For me, when I click on the P3D v4 start menu item,  P3D v4 starts loading but before it has loaded,

Active Sky opens and then Environment Force so that by the time that P3D v4 reaches the scenario

screen, both addon programs are already started, as required by Rex and recommended by HiFi.


Both programs can be set to run minimised to the task bar and I use those settings.


Of course once the P3D v4 session is over, both programs remain open and must be closed manually.


You will see that Chase Plane also is in the exe.xml file, it places itself there and it runs perfectly well

with the two additional entries but closes itself when P3D v4 is shut down.


With both Environment Force and Active Sky added it reads like this:




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
    <Name>Rex Environment</Name>
    <Path>G:\P3D v4\REXModules\rexenvforce.exe</Path>
    <Name>Active Sky P3D v4</Name>
    <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\HiFi\AS_P3Dv4\AS_P3Dv4.exe</Path>
    <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\OldProp Solutions Inc\ChasePlane\ChasePlane.exe</Path>






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That shouldnt happen. I dont use EF since over a month now and have normal colors. There are "a few" topics on the EF forum about those black textures, maybe you wanna read them.


One can use P3D without EF, with own shaders like tomatoshade or PTA too. Not sure how its without those third party tools but even without a standard shader refresh should fix it. If youre on 4.5 you can set a key command to reset shaders.

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