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Error-Not enough disk space

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I have just installed the new beta on my Mac running 10.13.6. The app opens and can choose GB South for Xplane, the progress bar starts and within a minute its reached the end with a error message: 'there is not enough disk space' My XPlane is installed on a SSD drive with around 950GB available so space shouldn't be an issue unless its trying to install on my Mac internal hard drive with only 100GB free.




Operating system:  Mac 10.13.6

Simulator:  X Plane




Central log Richard Day.rtf

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Hi Richard,


It does appear to be installing to your internal drive. Orbx Central installs X-Plane products into a location known as a 'Library'. You currently have a library set to /Users/richard/Orbx Library, which is the default location.


You can specify a new location by following these steps:

  • Create a folder on your SSD drive where you'd like products to be installed. You can call this whatever you want, or simply Orbx Library.
  • In Central, go to Settings, then Libraries.
  • Press 'Create a new library'
  • Give it a name like 'SSD Library' and then select the folder you created earlier.
  • Press 'Save'.


When you install products, you'll then be asked where you want to install them. Simply select 'SSD Library' and it'll install to the correct drive.


If you'd like more information about libraries, there is a section describing them in detail in the user guide: https://orbx.to/central-guide

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Hi Mitchell


Many thanks for you quick response yesterday.


I followed your instructions and clicked save. There was about 2 hours of downloading which finished while I was away from the computer, the library page I have pasted below. I assumed that I would have to download GB South but when I went to that page on Central it said GB South was installed. I then started XPlane but got the Be Advised message 'could not locate image file for terrain' I clicked on 'understood' and XPlane crashed. I found in a forum topic that if this happens to verify files which I did on both GB South & Libraries but no luck, I still get the error message and XPlane crashes.


Hopefully you can unravel what I have done wrong.


Many thanks



XPlane error message.jpeg

Orbx Central Library page.jpeg

central.log Log.txt scenery_packs.ini

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Hi Richard,


Thanks for attaching those files! After reviewing your log it appears it doesn't end up converting all the ortho for unknown reasons. This may be an issue within Central.

  • Does the following file exist? And if so, what is its file size?
    • X-Plane Install Path/Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/textures/a6e0xfbb0x17.dds
  • Are there any .jpg files in the following folder?
    • X-Plane Install Path/Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/textures/
  • Can you attach the following file to your reply:
    • X-Plane Install Path/Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/convert.json

That information will help us understand what exactly is going on and whether it is an issue with Central or not. I'd imagine the worst case scenario would be needing to reconvert all the ortho, but I'll see if there is anything else we can do to fix this issue.

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Hi Mitchell


I have looked for this file in textures: a6e0xfbb0x17.dds , I can find the .jpg only, I have attached images of the search in the textures folder.


Yes the textures folder is full of .jpg and in many cases the matching .dds files but not the file above. The textures folder is: 151,363,060,910 bytes (155.76 GB on disk) for 23,260 items


I have attached the convert.json  file.


As a possible fix should I delete all the .jpg files? I was reading that they are not required.


Many thanks





Search for .dd file in textures.jpeg

Search for .dd file.jpeg


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Thanks Richard!


I've identified a potential issue in Central that will prevent files from being converted if an install has previously taken place. I've logged it as an issue and our team will work on a fix to include in the next update.


Unfortunately there isn't an easy workaround I can provide at the moment. There is two options:

  • Deleting the .jpg files and convert.json, then pressing 'Verify Files' will trigger Central to redownload them and reconvert them, which will likely resolve the issue, however this will take some time to complete due to the conversion process.
  • Once the Central update has rolled out, you'll only need to perform the conversion on the files that haven't converted already.
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Thanks Mitchell


I think I will wait until the next update on Central, as you said it could be a long conversion process.


I'll contact you back at that time for instructions on converting remaining files.


Thanks for all your efforts.



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Hi Richard,


We've just released Central 0.20.7 which contains a number of fixes for installing TrueEarth products. Your Central should update automatically when it launches. Hit 'Verify Files' on TrueEarth, and Central should automatically convert all the remaining files. Once that completes, load up X-Plane and see if the error still appears.

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Hi Mitchell


I have just updated Central and verified files on True Earth and rebooted my Mac.


This time It's missing a .ter file. It is as before, I can launch XPlane as far as the 'choose a location' then it starts to load and stops with the error warning. 


I have attached all the evidence I think you might require. This time I did find the missing file in terrain folder so I'm not sure why it won't load.


Let me know of anything else you might require.


Thanks again



Error .jpeg

ter file.jpeg

convert.json scenery_packs.ini Log.txt

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Hi Mitchell


Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I had to go away business.


I did 'verify files' as you asked and have attached the log. I then went back to XPlane and this time it all loaded up and tried reloading at various airports without a hitch. So I purchased True Earth Central region through the new Central app, it download and installed in about 2 hours so I am hoping that the glitch or whatever it was is now sorted.


Thanks for your help and if you need any other files for your research let me know and I will send them over.





Central log 31:07:19.rtf

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  • 8 months later...

Hi all,

I am just having the same problem. I have North England and South England on a different SSD HDD, and when i load X-plane and start form an airport in South, i get the message with the "ac80xfc70x17M.ter". It wont load it, and collapse X-plane.
On the SSD HDD where X-Plane 11 are, i also have England Central  installed, and if i start from an airport here, there are no problems.

There are shortcuts for it all in custom scenery, but it will not load correctly.

Any solutions?

Johnny F.

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