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HD Autogen

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Thank for the reply

I am using at this location horizon photo scenery, originally with just the p3d generic autogen as in the second picture


with orbx hd buildings it shows as in the first picture.

I have also tried JF demo area in cumbria with the same texture results.

these do look incorrect to me for UK , what should  I be seeing ,

I have traced the texure file to BLDC2.dds if this is of any use !!


Thank you


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thank you for the reply,

I am at a loss now !

I have verified files, deleted , re installed, no luck

I replaced autogen descriptions with backed up files, no luck

I have removed all addons except photo scenery,  no luck

I removed photo scenery and experienced the following.....

all in north west Wirral UK ...

photo 1 .. HD Buildings not installed.. no photo scenery

Photo 2 .. HD buildings installed.. no photo scenery

Photo 3 HD buildings installed ... with Photo scenery

I have tried both Horizon photo scenery and JF photo scenery both the same.

any help would be appriciated as to why with photo scenery the incorrect texture files are installed.


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That was my guess also , which is why I replaced P3d descriptions with an back up copy, with the same outcome, I alos re run central to install / merge Orbx descriptions, same result.

its strange that it only corrupts with photo scenery !




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I have tried everything I can think of, replaced autogen descriptions, re run Central, verified, and even tried installing textures direct in P3d with no luck, deleted shaders and run through the P3d trouble shooting ect

As a quick fix I have now renamed 4 texture files BLDK2.dds, BLDK2LM.dds, BLDK3.bmp and BLDK3LM.bmp to replace files BLDC2.dds, BLDC2LM.dds, BLDC3.bmp and BLDC.bmp.

I am guessing the letter ‘K’ and ‘C’ in the file names refer to p3d autogen regions!

The textures now appear correct in UK, but I am at a loss as to why it is calling for incorrect textures.

I have no idea if the roof textures are correct but they do look Ok.

I assume if these textures are being installed incorrectly, other regions would also be incorrect.

and again it only seems to be when photo scenery is active and autogen displaying on the said photo scenery (Horizon & JF) (strange in its self)

I  will try to add a picture later today

Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi Nick,

aside from the special problems of dabba, I would like to see the autogen sheet bldc2.dds fixed, as the textures for small houses in this sheet are all nearly the same strange garages, creating very repetitive looking neighbourhoods - dabba's first and last screenshot shows it, and you even have one showcase screenshot in https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/175175-buildings-hd-requested-areas-and-more/


I like the whole buildings HD package very much, but this one texture sheet does not match your otherwise high quality standard.


Kind regards

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Hi Nick,

surely there's a house that looks like that, from which the photo was taken. But it seems unlikely to me that all 1-2 storey houses in the region C should look the same. Furthermore, a huge garage door at two adjacent sides of a house (one example in dabbas first screenshot) looks ridiculous.

As I wrote above, this is until now my single critcs of this otherwise great product.

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here are 2 pics 1st one p3d generic autogen, the second with Orbx HD autogen in UK, like I said I had to rename 4 files to achieve this, stll not sure of the reasons why calling for incorrect textures, or if they are the correct roof textures, but but for the moment its a quick fix to get working, until a permanent solution



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Hi @dabba ,


First off, my apologies for not getting to this sooner; I was on a camping trip for the past week and away from my computer.


"BLDC2.dds" is the building texture file for the Southwest United States region (Arizona, Nevada, etc), which is what you are seeing in the problem shots.  "BLDK2.dds" is what is supposed to be used for the UK, so with your fix applied the textures do indeed now look like they're displaying properly.  In all of your shots, the roofs are displaying the proper UK textures, so it looks like all is well there.


Since everything is displaying properly until the Horizon photo scenery is installed, it looks to me like the Horizon photo scenery is calling the wrong building texture files.  Photo scenery (or any landclass for that matter) can call building textures that aren't ordinarily used by that region, so my guess is that the maker of that scenery included a call for the BLDC2 texture files for that area, perhaps by mistake.  However, Nick's shot shows the proper building textures being called by the Horizon scenery....  Perhaps some areas of the Horizon scenery are calling the proper textures, and other areas are not?  I don't own that particular product, so I'm unable to do any testing myself unfortunately.  And in any case, it appears to be a bug in the Horizon scenery and not Buildings HD, so a fix would have to come from their end and not ours.




As to the texture concerns, as I mentioned before the BLDC2 texture sheet is supposed to represent buildings in the Southwest United States, particularly the typical houses that you would see in the suburbs of Phoenix, Las Vegas, El Paso, etc.  In real life, these houses are often very uniform in appearance since the suburbs of these cities consist largely of huge housing developments built over the past 30 years or so (I've attached a Google Maps screenshot of a typical Las Vegas neighborhood for comparison).  The houses themselves are almost always beige, brown, light yellow, or white, and usually feature a 2 or 3 car garage.  That's the look I was going for in making the textures, but it's an unfortunate limitation of the P3D/FSX autogen system that the same facade is used on all sides of the house, so you often see the garage on multiple sides.  All that being said, I agree that this texture sheet could use some tweaking to the colors and perhaps some garage reduction.  No promises, but perhaps this can be addressed in a future patch.





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Thank you for the reply, after a bit more digging I came across the solution, the issue was with Just Flight autogen, and this has been confirmed by JF, apparently by design.

They chose the BLDC2.dds texture sheet as the textures represented the UK better than the BLDK2.dds, and in all fairness with the P3d texture sheets I have to agree with them, however with Orbx texture sheets came the problem.

I believe with this in mind they are supposedly changing back to the BLDK2.dds texture sheet when they update, at the moment I have renamed the texture sheets until an update to alleviate the problem.

Thanks again


PS I have to say I am more than happy with the new textures, they do add more realism to the experience

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