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Airport levels haywire


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Help. Some airports seem to be built on a level way above or below the natural ground. It looks like FTX Global is interfering with the FTX (Country).

Can't seem to fix it. It happens in some USA airports and a lot in Norway. See pics.


Any ideas?

EGKB Biggin.jpg

ENAL Vigra.jpg

ENHD Karmov.jpg

ENZV Sola.jpg

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Hello Nick,

I'm running FSX on Windows 7

In Global I have

OpenLC Europe

OpenLC Mesh South America

Trees HD


Airport Pack

Lights configurator


Orbx Libraries

In Europe I have England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

In NortrhAmerica I have AI Traffic

In Oceania I have AI Traffic and Holgermesh


In ENAL (Vagra, Norway)

I have Norway Airports.

If I switch them on the result is as shown.

If I switch them off, the scenery levels are ok.

In North America KRCA is the same. The runways are higher than the ground but the scenery is below ground. If I switch off ORBX!VECTOR_APT and ORBX!VECTOR_EXX the levels are all ok but I lose some of the airport scenery.

It's not just these airports. I flew from Alaska to Abilene, and also round Norway. These anomalies seemed to crop up quite regularly.

I don't know if this is relevant but the ORBX!VECTOR files are down in positions 60-64 in the scenery settings (just above 1107 Base and below Africa)

Any ideas?




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22 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


the two airports you mention are both in the Vector AEC list.

Perhaps you need to visit the Vector control panel and run the auto configuration for AEC.

Hello Nick,

It happened again yesterday. When I looked in the scenery library settings, the ORBX!VECTOR_AEC was right down at the bottom, number 160. Only default scenery and default terrain were below it. I have moved this up before, but for some reason FSX has put it down there again. When I diabled it everything went ok.

Where should ORBX!VECTOR_AEC be in the list?

Please tell me how I visit the Vector control panel and run the auto configuration for AEC. Is it part of FTX Central 3?



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Hello David, welcome to the forums.

On 7/3/2019 at 1:25 PM, erato said:

Please tell me how I visit the Vector control panel and run the auto configuration for AEC. Is it part of FTX Central 3?

It certainly is, as per below


Vector AEC.jpg

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On 7/3/2019 at 1:25 PM, erato said:

It happened again yesterday. When I looked in the scenery library settings, the ORBX!VECTOR_AEC was right down at the bottom, number 160. Only default scenery and default terrain were below it. I have moved this up before, but for some reason FSX has put it down there again. When I diabled it everything went ok.

Where should ORBX!VECTOR_AEC be in the list?




if you interfere with the product or its scenery library entries, you cannot expect it to work.

Please do not do so and instead put everything back as it was and visit the Vector control

panel and do as advised.

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Hello Nick,


I've done vectoir control panel and it seemed to work on some aiirports. However I still am running into the same problem.

Here is OESK airport with ORBX!VECTOR_AEC switched on.




and this the same airport with ORBX!VECTOR_AEC  switched off.





There is something wrong. As I said before ORBX!VECTOR_AEC  is at number 160 in the scenery library, completely separate fron all the othe ORBX files. Should it be down there?

If not where should it be?





OESK 02.jpg

OESK 02.jpg

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I experience this same (or worse) problem from time to time. After running Vector AEC  some airports (KLAS for example) will have all passenger ramps in the air.

Scenery library has Vector AEC near the bottom. I move it up to a position below other vector entries and problem is solved. At other times, running AEC corrects all problems. 

OTOH, I jst installed the new promotion KABQ scenery and absolutely cannot get it to display correctly: Nothing bt gullies, sharp cliffs, twisting runways, etc.

What is a fix? or is it nothing related to ORBX?

Neal Howard

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Hello Neal,


interfering with either the Orbx file structure or scenery library entries is not

only counter productive, it also makes support difficult.


"Passenger ramps in the air", as reported in these forums is usually a GSX matter and is

in fact easily fixed.


What is the  "new promotion KABQ scenery", does it perhaps have its own support forum?

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The KABQ is:   simwest – Albuquerque for FSX/P3D....It was discussed in AVSIM forums. Directed to their webpage leads to their vendor. I have not checked out their site.


The "old" fix re. KLAS worked okay but similar problems pop up with quite a few airports. Every time this happens the single AEC line is at the bottom of the Scenery list.

Move it up and problem solved. Each run of Vector AEC after any software changes everything works properly for days. Then, for no apparent reason, flying, or missing airport parts.

Sure enough Vector AEC entries back at the bottom of scenery.

I know that we should not tamper with the listing but I see no other options. Troubleshooting software is not one of my skills.


Neal H

Btw.....Running P3Dv4.5 with All ORBX NA regions and many Airports.

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as it is free to download and use, I have installed "simwest – Albuquerque for FSX/P3D".

KABQ requires that Vector AEC is enabled.

None of the Orbx scenery library entries for Global Base,Vector or Open LC NA have been

disabled or moved about and this is what I see.


The default airport:




The addon airport:




This product does not add the airport at all, so what you are seeing is the default airport superimposed over a demo of their photo scenery.




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