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All my 3rd party freeware airports are now flat.


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I'm not a noob and have put all my 3rd party airports on top (everywhere in experiments) of the scenery.ini file, yet they are all flat default again. Concrete Airport 3W5 for example is a beautlful scenery, now a lump of Zoom 15 crap with a runway and a bunch of blue rooftops. I've added several exclusions zones and still no results. I've rearranged the  INI more than I can count, no dice


1)Can someone please explain how the people paid this much for scenery that basically nullifies all other scenery?


2) Instructions on how to fix other than " Ask the developer to add exclusion zones"  


In my 25 years of flight simming, I've never complained about anything, but at least MY orthos looked as good and didn't cover all my addon airports. It's insane I wait on this for so long, pay so much and then have to spend hours  getting it to not  work...…………………………….. still trying..……


You need to WARN PEOPLE before the purchase this or come up with a fix before releasing. Please don't tell me to calm down, instead look at your forum question numbers. 


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44 minutes ago, clevytr6 said:

scenery_packs.ini 106.7 kB · 3 downloads

I removed my ortho shortcuts and the ortho overlays from the *.ini in the Orbx areas. Thank you for helping me. I'm in misery over this. Waited so long.....;D

Notice the 3W5 on top. 

Hi. I have taken a look at the scenery_packs.ini and placed the Orbx fies where they should be which is directly below Global Airports. You have so many files above GlobalAirports many of which i don't recognise. I do know though that some are like City sceneries e.g. Columbus which should be below Global Airports. You have been siming for a long time so I have to assume you are fully aware of the .ini layering format. With that in mind if you take a look at your submitted .ini there are many entries above Global Airports that are not 3rd party airports.The layering sequence to follow is, from top down:

3rd party airports

Global airports

Sceneries and enhancements like Orbx TE, x-europe, additional bridges, treelines, overlays (ortho4xp) etc. ALL Orbx True Earth sceneries need to be directly under Global Airports. By putting them there reduces the chances of any conflicts, and any conflicts that do occur would therefore be likely related to a 3rd party airport. 

Libraries (although they can go anywhere but why not keep them altogether?)

3rd Party  Global Mesh like HD Mesh, but NOT Orbx mesh that comes with an Orbx package. The mesh that comes with those addons are only relative to the actual addon and not global in nature, so need to be together but the last layer of a relevant Orbx addon. Similar to the A/B/C file prefix of some Orbx addons.

keep a copy of your current.ini so that you can remedy some of the layering anomalies I have mentioned. Place this new .ini into your Custom Scenery and check out the Orbx TE Washington area again.

After spending the last 20 minutes looking through your .ini to see if I can help, I then see your latest post declining assistance. I will attach the reworked .ini anyway for you do with what you will.

I disagree that your ortho looks better than TE Washington,as you obviously have not seen TE Washington fully. I had ortho for Washington state with Forkboys imagery and overlay so I do know what your are possibly comparing Orbx to.

Anyway here is the .ini.


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I do realize the problem is on my end, but after seeing all the struggles peeps had with the GB exclusion zones, I was presumptuous.  I will continue to attempt to fix this problem. I do have many many sceneries to juggle. I thought I would save you the trouble of reading my INI book. I so appreciate the help and apologize for my attitude. I surely didn't expect this much help as customer service in general has suffered in these days from most companies. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME.  I'm humbled. Thank you again. 

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Clean install of xplane 11 still didn't work. Really weird. I think my WA install is corrupt. Had a few missing tiles, etc now. If I figure it out, I will post the answer in effort to help anyone else having the same issue.



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I've had a look at this scenery and it includes its own ground poly so it's not acutally the default scenery, however take a look at the default gateway airport:




Clearly, the default gateway airport is causing these green splodges on the ground and conflicting with the default one.


The author of this airport needs to add .pol exclusions to fix this. The fact that it works with the ForkBoy orthos makes me believe that when you installed that, you installed it above global_airports and blocked this, whereas the Orbx installer will make sure global_airports is installed above it, so this is likely the confusion


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