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Orbx don't want to give me what I paid for


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Sorry for the inflammatory topic. I think it's the only way I could actually get support so I'm trying what I can.


I have paid for:

GB North

GB Central

GB South


Of those three, GB South is the only product that actually worked.


GB North and GB Central have corrupt zip archives.

Nick Cooper has been kind enough to provide me with a Central archive. I understand he doesn't actually work for Orbx, so his powers are limited.


So now it's just North that I'm still waiting for. When I asked for it, I've now been told to wait for the Linux release of the Orbx Central application. This is apparently in 'closed beta', so possibly just a few days away from release, possibly several months, maybe it'll never come out, who knows... I'm not able to find out. Why I can't just be given the zip archive I paid for, I have no idea, I get 2/3 of what I paid for and I'm told to wait.


I'm fed up with waiting, I'm fed up with shouting into the abyss and seemingly nobody from Orbx caring whatsoever. This situation has been ongoing for far too long and my patience is rapidly running out.


To preempt any questions:

  • I have plenty of disk space.
  • No, I'm not installing Windows to use this product, I was told there was Linux support, I expect there to be Linux support.
  • I know what I'm doing when it comes to Linux based operating systems, I've been using them for over a decade.
  • The zip archives are corrupt, nobody even tested them before uploading them. Several programs have confirmed this.
  • I compared the checksums I was (eventually) given, my downloads are not corrupt, the archives are.


Sort it out please. I just want the product I paid for. It's not too much to ask. If this continues much further I'll take matters into my own hands.



I sincerely thank Nick for his help, but I think it's time someone from Orbx actually start giving a damn about this situation and stop ignoring me.


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as you are well aware, I have tried very hard to solve your problem

and offered you the refund that you suggested.

I see that there is now an Orbx Central forum and I have asked a

question on your behalf which you might care to monitor.




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I agree with you,


The support on this forum has gone down the pan.


Just look at the amount of RED active posts, some including my own post'S with no reply at all!


I have posted twice in the forum with the same problem asking for some sort of reply from Orbx and no reply at all, nothing, zero!..... that not good.


I don't expect Orbx to fix the problem tomorrow but a reply would be nice, even if its "thats the way the product is and we don't intent to resolve that issue" 


I know Nick always does his very best to resolve the posts but I feel the amount of unanswered posts in the forum is not acceptable

Nick is getting swamped or he has not been given the information to resolve the issues.


I am not having ago at any of the support staff but think that John should have a look at this and make the decision to have a Working online Support Form or nor not.




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thank you for your comments.


Ribs has received a good amount of support by private message, as he has referred to.

His problem is acknowledged, it is so far unique to him and it is being attended to.


You have this one unanswered topic


which refers to this topic

which is answered in this linked topic

and then we are back to last year.


I do not see this as an indication of a failure of the support forums, only as evidence that you are upset

because the approach lighting at one X Plane 11 airport is too tall.

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Hi Nick,


No I am not upset the the lights are to high.

I just need a reply to let me know if the problems will be resolved or not.


If its not then that's fine, just talk to me and let me know that's all I am asking.


I am NOT having ago at you personally Nick, you always do your very best.


Regards Dave





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The problem isn't unique to me. It's any Mac or Linux user that wishes to use these products will be affected. I fully appreciate that we are probably a small proportion of the customer base, but this isn't a "Ribs issue", this is a corrupt archive issue.


Is it not possible to remake the North archive? I don't want to wait weeks and weeks and have to mess about with yet another piece of software to use this thing. It was done for Central so I'm just confused as to why it's not being done for North.

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8 hours ago, Ribs said:

The problem isn't unique to me. It's any Mac or Linux user that wishes to use these products will be affected. I fully appreciate that we are probably a small proportion of the customer base, but this isn't a "Ribs issue", this is a corrupt archive issue.


I'm currently setting up a fresh Linux VM to test the archives, as well as get the last remaining issue with the Linux version of Central resolved. I'll let you know in a short while how both those tasks go. I'm looking to get this issue resolved as soon as possible. I'm not sure if you've mentioned it previously, but which Linux distro are you running?


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Using a completely fresh Ubuntu 18.04 installation, I was successfully able to extract Orbx_TrueEarth_GB_North_CrossPlatform_da66adw67d.zip that was downloaded from the cross-platform link on OrbxDirect.




The properties of the Custom Scenery folder extracted by the archive are as below:



The MD5 hash of the downloaded archive is as below:



If our hashes of the archive match, then there is something about your machine that is unique. We've tested it on a number of Windows, macOS and Linux machines and haven't been able to reproduce the issue you're experiencing. We're still working on one final issue with Central for Linux - once that is ready you won't need to do any manual extraction or conversion. If our hashes don't match, please try downloading the .zip archive again, we've recently moved to brand new CDN infrastructure that may perform better for you. If you can provide us which distro you're running, we'll setup a VM and try to reproduce it on that platform.


Update: We've figured out the issue with Orbx Central on Linux, and if you're interested in trying it, instructions on its install can be found here.

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Our MD5Sums match.


Try this command. Watch the output like a hawk, don't walk away from it:

$ unzip Orbx_TrueEarth_GB_North_CrossPlatform_da66adw67d.zip

After a short time, you'll start to see messages like this:



file #11558:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21558740529
file #11559:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21560343762
file #11560:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21560344012
file #11561:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21560430758
file #11562:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21560431008
file #11563:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21561482055
file #11564:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21561482303
file #11565:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21562525661
file #11566:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21562525911
file #11567:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21563898548
file #11568:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21563898798
file #11569:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21565421152
file #11570:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21565421402
file #11571:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21566526058
file #11572:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21566526308
file #11573:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21567467709
file #11574:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21567467959
file #11575:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21568727293
file #11576:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21568727543
file #11577:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21570520154
file #11578:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21570520404
file #11579:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21570601755
file #11580:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21570602005
file #11581:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21570875040
file #11582:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21570875290
file #11583:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21572471814
file #11584:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21572472064
file #11585:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21572912059
file #11586:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  21572912309


These are not normal errors. The archive may 'decompress', but are you 100% certain there are not any missing files once it finishes? I obviously don't have a file listing so I can't say for sure, that's probably something you would be able to check.


The South archive did not do this. The Central archive (once I got a replacement from Nick) didn't do this either.


I wanted to try the orbx central, but the link you've given is broken. The href is just the text that you typed, which obviously doesn't load.


Edit: Found the link here: https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/174818-orbx-central-on-linux/


Edit2: Orbx for Linux is broken. I can't use it: https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/175059-orbx-linux-doesnt-work/


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