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BUG REPORT - TE Britain night - ugly and broken

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I Don't understand why the night textures in TE series are so ugly (far worse than vanilla Xplane!) and broken.

I have just seen the screenshots for Australia P3D Melbourne and the night lighting is every bit as good as you would expect from an OrbX product but what do we get with Xplane True Earth?

All the major cities look like they are on blackout with no lit textures at all for many major buildings and landmarks and the lit textures for the autogen are just ugly.

On top of that there is massive performance degradation at night for some reason, I'm losing a third of my fps in some instances.

EDIT Maybe something loaded in last time, performance drop is noticeable in place but more like between 10 and 25% worse case.


What is going on here? The product is 9.5/10 for daytime and 2/10 for night time and this after they have been patched where many people pointed out the issues with the night textures already.

I see there has been some great work adding extra landmarks etc and Blackpool now looks more like Blackpool and extra points for adding the roller coaster give the idea of the theme park and these actually do have nice night textures but they are so dim you have to be on top of them to see them. Blackpool tower looks blacked out until you are right on top of it.

EDIT These are actually not too bad on second flight again (not sure why) the tower could be brighter but the lit textures are nice.


I will take some sceenshots to point out the issues described and come back and post them for clarity but I'm really hoping OrbX can sort out night textures for Xplane or the products are going to be massively less appealing to me in the future.


EDIT screenshots added show Manchester day/night comparisons. 

Note Manchester City Centre is completely blacked out and the ugly, unrealistic and repetitive nature of the the autogen lit textures (This is repeated in all Orbx TE City/town areas).

Also included is a night shot Manchester where fps has dropped from 35 day to 25 night






Hi Nick, I just edited my post to show the nature of the problem.

Xplane vanilla night lighting is excellent (street lights etc) and I have no issue with it in OrbX.

The issue is the OrbX lit building textures or lack thereof.

The autogen lit textures are ugly and unrealistic on one particular building especially that is repeated very often so it destroys the whole night scene while many custom buildings seem to be missing night textures completely.

This was pointed out in the original release of South with London missing many night textures and that was not corrected in SP1 with the financial centre still totally blacked out.

  • Nick Cooper changed the title to BUG REPORT - TE Britain night - ugly and broken
28 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

I have added to your topic title to reflect what it actually is.

Let's see what @tonywob says.



Thank Nick, but I don't think it is a bug. I'm sure you will see the same thing flying VFR at night Manchester or Birmingham or London.

I have actually had PM discussion previously with Tony about the issue before the service packs were released and he seemd to concur so I was hoping for an improvement, hence my disappointment.

I will be happy if it just my installation and offer the necessary apology but I'm sure this is just an oversight on night textures since so much work has gone into the scenery dayime looks.

As you say, we will see what Tony thinks.


Here is a suggestion for a fix to the ugly lit textures on the OrbX  Britain autogen as seen in the screenshots.

These buildings should not have every window uniformly lit. 

It would be better if there added textures so that only one in 5 or less has some windows lit.

All others should have small exterior spotlights, I think this would look much more realistic for nighttime industrial parks/zone buildings and not break up the rest of the scenes natural night lighting ambience.

Also desperately need lit textures for custom buildings and city autogen buildings.

As stated Manchester city centre is in total blackness which is ridiculous.

Please, please fix.



Hello David

It seems that you are the only one who have not lost the hope for better night lighting in TE-GB.

No fix since many months.

Day time - very nice. Night time - forget about it.

On 6/8/2019 at 11:50 AM, sangsom said:

Hello David

It seems that you are the only one who have not lost the hope for better night lighting in TE-GB.

No fix since many months.

Day time - very nice. Night time - forget about it.


Ha thanks, I was beginning to think nobody else flew nights.

Yes very disappointed because I thought these service packs would address the very poor night textures or lack thereof because currently it is unacceptable and the fact they daytime textures and scenery are so beautiful just makes it all the more frustrating.

Tony has said that it is being addressed and Washington should be a vast improvement for night textures, improvements that are planned for TE Britain series in future service packs (which hopefully don't take too long) since currently VFR night flying is worse than default Xplane around major conurbations  

Apart from that I am thrilled with my OrbX products.


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