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Totally Clueless About Orbx


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Shalom and greetings tech support.


I was making my first Orbx installation via FTX Central.  The installation of demo of entire island of Tasmania  went well and the files are working well according to FTX Central but when I started FSX Deluxe with SP1 and SP2 set in Windows 10 Professional, nothing happened and when I checked YMLT airport scenery which showed FSX default scenery.


So I manually added files from Orbx folder of FSX into Add On Scenery library like you see in the screenshot below. The YMLT airport scenery is working but the entire island of Tasmania does not show entirely ORBX ground textures and I could see FSX default runways scattering around the YMLT scenery.


Yes I am TOTALLY CLUELESS about Orbx stuff even though I have 11 years of experience of installing payware add on airport sceneries without problem.


What can I do to fix it please?  I want to buy Orbx stuff at 50 percent off but I am afraid I may not make the May 31 deadline for end of sales and I need to know complex installation of orbx products before I buy!!!






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Hi Aharon,


The region "FTX Australia" does not include updated airports, so you will still see default airports with FTX Australia or the Tasmania demo, which is a part of FTX Australia.  The region "Australia V2" is currently in development and testing, and this new version does include enhanced airports, as do all the other existing FSX/P3D region products (eg NA Northern Rockies, NZ North Island etc}.



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1 hour ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Please ensure the Orbx Libraries are installed. (is there a blue notification above the settings button in FTXC3?)




See how clueless I am about Orbx!!!   Thanks  Will install Orbx libraries!! Did not even know I must do that!!


What order in scenery list am I supposed to place Orbx libraries in add on scenery list, please?




21 minutes ago, Scott Harmes said:

The region "FTX Australia" does not include updated airports, so you will still see default airports with  the Tasmania demo,


Well  the manual of the Tasmania demo said that ORBX YMLT scenery is supposed to be included in the Tasmania demo. When I say I saw FSX default runways around YMLT, I mean that FSX default runways are overlapping grass around the airport







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@Doug Sawatzky,


It is my pleasure to announce that your advice WORKED and SOLVED the problem!!


If I want to install YMHB Hobart scenery into the Tasmania demo , should the YMHB scenery be above or below Orbx products,  please?



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Hi Aharon


All Orbx products will placed in the correct position in relation to each other by FTX Central 3 and should be left as so. And, you do not need to ever manually add them as you first did above.


But please also apply the below process.


Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.
Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.
Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".


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50 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

All Orbx products will placed in the correct position in relation to each other by FTX Central 3 and should be left as so. And, you do not need to ever manually add them as you first did above.





@Doug Sawatzky,


Funny thing is that when I installed Orbx Libraries, it rearranged Orbx products and placed them on top in order in scenery list. I will follow your order as seen above by not doing anything manually even though when I installed new Orbx YMML Mellborne scenery, Orbx moved Hobart scenery below all Orbx products. I think Hobart scenery is supposed to be above all Orbx products including demo of Tarisima island.


50 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

But please also apply the below process. Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.
Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".



Hard to understand but I did your instructions as seen above by moving "FTX entries should be inserted below" to  just below whatever is my last 3rd party addon but "openLC entries should be inserted below" is already below my FTX.  


I sure hope hope hope it works!!




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@Doug Sawatzky,


Just want to thank you AGAIN because I just want to appreciate amazing speed of HOW FAST AND HOW SPEEDY Orbx tech support replied to my tech support questions.


I want to buy Northern Lights software from Orbx but cannot find it on product list. Is it still in development or has it been released for sale?





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