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''No jetway can operate at this position''

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Hi, I recently bought ORBX ESSA. When i try to load up a jetway via GSX it says ''No jetway can operate at this position'' at it so does with all the gates at ESSA. I have a registration at SODE that is valid so that should not be the problem. Any ideas on how to fix this?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for beeing a bit late on the answer,  I have registred and unregistred two times and it still doesn't want to work, I have also romved and downloaded SODE from my PC one time. Can't seem to figure out how to fix it, any more ideas?

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Another guess: most gates at ESSA use fixed T-style jetways that can move only in one direction. For those jetways, it is absolutely essential that the plane sits in the correct parking position. As AFCADs are considering the center of gravity of the plane to place them, the position of the plane is in most cases wrong on ESSA. If the door of your plane is not within reach of the one-dimensional T-style jetway, you will get the remark that the jetway can not be operated.


So, before doing to much re-installing and stuff, try once to put the plane precisely on the parking spot as such as the jetway can extend to the door (door aligned with the jetway). There is a GSX shortcut to reposition the plane like this that it matches precisely the jetway. But I can not recall the shortcut, sorry.

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