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Black 'towers' Monument Valley

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Hi, wondering if anyone can give any pointers?  As I move head around (using chaseplane and TrackIR) I am finding that the rock towers (not the bases) are black to start off with and the textures take between 2-6 seconds to load up.  Any idea on what I might be able to do?  Not really seeing this anywhere else.


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Bit disconcerting when you post a snag in a forum and it is met by deathly silence!  I must be alone in having this issue ???:).

Here’s a thought, could these be night textures?  If so what would make them appear as the first texture, only to be replaced seconds later by the day texture?

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Hi Doug, I ran vector and also went into the scenery library and ‘ok’d it to clear the scenery cache, because I had an issue with the airport and could also see racing pylons which a fellow flyer could not see.  This removed the pylons and presented the airport correctly but this issue still present.

I have also cleared shaders.  The rest of the scenery seems to perform well so I haven’t tried reinstalling.  It’s just these rock ‘towers’.

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On 5/20/2019 at 4:33 PM, Doug Sawatzky said:



I am not able to replicate, and I do not use chaseplane or track IR, so I would reinstall the product and start troubleshooting without any other addons such as chaseplane or track IR and see what happens. 

Hi Doug,

I have had a chance now to have a play with taking out Chaseplane, TrackIR etc and have also reinstalled but I can't seem to shake this issue.  They do look very much light night textures i.e. it isn't solid black, there is shading within it as if viewing at night.  Below image at a stage where some textures have loaded in correctly whilst still waiting for others to load.


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I can replicate this and the black is simply what is seen before the textures are drawn.

I would guess that how long it takes depends partly on the PC.

It seems to me that once the textures are drawn, then they remain, or at the very worst, are drawn back in less than a second.


I have no explanation except that it might be connected to the latest P3D update.

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Thanks Nick, I will take it up on the P3D forum.

I find that they don't remain, if I look away for long enough then look back then they are black again.  Not seeing elsewhere.  Currently flying low and fast over FTX EU England in the Spitfire and all looks great.

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