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Not sure.

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Ok just downloaded the new P3D 4.5. 12 30293 but it does not say if it’s the hot fix or not. Can anybody help. Perhaps I have to install first the new 4.5 and then maybe I will be able to get the hot fix.  Derek.

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Thank you mopperle for that but when downloading the 4.5 some how I ended up on another page it showed the hot fix. But as you say it’s included then I should fine. Thank you. Derek.

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Hello Derek,

most of us might think of a "hotfix" as a patch.

However, this time, it is a whole new version.

LM suggest that installing just the client of the new version will be enough.

If you wanted to, just download that part.

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Thank you Nick that explains everything. Yes I have done it, still on a normal hard drive and still taking about 10 minutes to load, but not the 15 that it was taking. So all good I’m happy with that. Derek.

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