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Floating Building South of YPJT P3dv4.5

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G'day Brian,


As the other guys have alluded to - it's a mesh issue, we just need to track down which mesh is causing you problems. I see you have Hoglermesh AU installed (which is good), alongside the Pilot's mesh. Could you please post a couple of shots similar to your first ones (both of the building, and from the runway) with the Pilot's meshed unticked in the scenery library? No need to uninstall/re-install it at this point.


Please untick both these entries in your scenery library: 


- FS Global Ultimate DL - Oceania

- FS Global Ultimate DL - Local Meshes




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Hi Jarrad, 


I already have uninstalled Pilots and Black Marble, I'm just flashing up he flight sim to take some fresh Picture's Please bare with me.

Its almost as if my mesh is messed up?

Regards Brian





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Or mine either - the issue is most certainly caused by a mesh of some kind. The only ORBX mesh that would affect this area is our AU Holgermesh, and if we discount the Pilots mesh we'll need to find what other meshes may be installed. 


Could you please send through copies of both your current scenery.cfg (updated since the version you sent yesterday) and scenery_add-ons.xml? 




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Nick, Jarrad,

I just noticed all my entries in my terrain.cfg for Tongass x for Misty Moorings was missing?

Don't know whether that would throw things out.(NO HAD NO BEARING)

I have a lot of excess. orig, bu, old files in program data, can they be removed?



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Everything has returned to NORMAL, NO floating building?

Now I guess I enable one by one to see what is corrupt?

Your a breath of fresh air, I thank you.

What do I do next.

Surely it couldn't be any of my RTMM MISTY MOORINGS, it would have to be Ozx, or something local that is not compatible with 4.5.

Nick I'm up to whatever you think I should do????





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I would suggest that you re-enable what you have in your conventional in-game scenery library first.

If that brings the problem back, disable half of them and try again.

If that fixes it, re-enable half of the disabled ones and so on until you find the culprit.

If asked, I would also guess that it is something in OzX, as did Jarrad.


Then, if necessary, do the same with the xml added ones.


It is a true pain but the process of elimination is really the only way.

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Thanks Nick and to  your wonderful support team Doug, Jarrad, and to Bruce (Life Member)

I'm sure you have read the whole history here.

This is my lifeline to the outside world.

I will let you know the culprit for anyone with future problems.





Kindest Regards


BRIAN (BJ from OZ)

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Thanks Nick

Will report back tomorrow, it isn't OZx, it`s either RAAF GinGin, PEARCE, or Modified Perth, or Lucy`s Trucks, or Envtex.


Have to save  a marriage, talk tomorrow.


Kindest of Regards

Brian (BJ from OZ)

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Looks like your getting closer to finding the solution. I doubt it is any of the OZx scenery causing this, I have it all and don't see what you're seeing. The only issue found between OZx scenery & P3Dv4 onwards was a texture incompatability causing some buildings etc to appear black.

This has been rectified & a new OZx Sc Lib for P3D is available

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Thanks Bruce,

Yes, it was by pure accident that I realised it wasn’t Ozx, when I disabled everything, I thought I had done everything, except ORBX, I had forgot to disable Ozx.

So I then enabled all scenery except for those I mentioned in the earlier post.

So today, I should be able to find the offending scenery, then reinstall Ultimate Terrain and Marble Black.

Its really a great feeling, when the hobby that is your life, is all up and running.

Thanks for your support, we are a unique bunch.


Kind Regards 



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G'day Brian, glad you got it sorted :) 


I've just had a look at the Gingin package, if you'd like to still keep that scenery active, the file that is causing the problem is RAAF Base Gingin WA\Scenery\RAAF_GinGin_ElevDataWA.bgl


If you rename this file to RAAF_GinGin_ElevDataWA.bgl.OFF , it will de-activate the file and get rid of all elevation issues. 




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