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Size of TE GB South SP1 for XP11

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Where did you get the 24 GB size from?  Orbx website?  If so that will be a new download of TE GB South including the SP1


From checking, the zip file for SP1 is about 3.2 GB compressed.  The original download for TE GB South was 26 GB Compressed and 125 GB Uncompressed.


My TE GB South folders within my Custom Scenery is now 130 GB so therefore the SP appears to take up 5 GB space uncompressed.


If you use FTX Central it will only download the SP files. Not the full TE GB South install.


There are a lot of new content in SP1 see this post from John Venema https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/169598-te-gb-south-xp11-sp1-list-of-features-and-improvements/

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I was surprised as FTX Central indicates TE GB to be not installed. It is not the case : 123 GB are already present on my HDD. I thought to be asked only for an classical update. Why it is not the case  and why are they not detected by FTX ? I apologize if the question looks stupid.

Best regards


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Nick, I just extracted the SP1 zip file into Custom Scenery on my iMac, as instructed, into the Custom scenery folder. This creates a new folder structure in Custom Scenery called Orbx_TE_GB_South_SP1.  Inside that are three sub folders: Orbx_A_EGLH_Needles, Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom and Orbx_B_GB_South_TrueEarth_Overlay.

These each have a load of sub-folders. 

The instructions in the original post mention "overwrite", so I presume I actually put the Needles folder in Custom Scenery and overwrite (not merge?) the other 2 folders.  The instructions are not exactly right as they are. Also, if I hadn't looked in the forum, I would have been a bit stuck, and wondered whether I really needed to re-download and extract the v1.1 28GB file!  Nowhere in my account is there any indication or link to the 3.2GB update file.  I think that needs to be attended to, with respect.

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I think I found where the problem was coming from. My XP11 sceneries are managed by using the software SceneManager. For another problem I had to deactivate all ORBX sceneries which are located outside the XP11 Custom Scenery (links are done through mklink). It is why all my ORBX sceneries were declared as not installed. After a new activation with SceneManager the downloading for TE GB south was as expected of about 3.2 GB. I was afraid to have to reload again 25 GB (internet connexion of only 0.4 MB/s).

Now it is OK. Thank you for comments.

Best regards


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