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Odd graphics and X-Plane bombs out after installing Orbx scenery

P Dobson

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Sorry to trouble you. Two problems:


Te first is an observation, I use Immersive Display Pro. as I have 3 projectors and a curved screen. To begin with I could not make sense of ftx Central. The displayed page looks very odd, the mouse pointer dissapears but can be found by using control button which causes a shrinking circle to appear where the mouse pointer is centered. Then I discovered switching Immerisve display Pro. off during the times I was down loading scenery sorted the problem out. So an observation to anyone else having issues with the appearance of ftx Central down load page.


Secondly I do have a problem with scenery, I though it might be that the scenery libraries were out of date but ftx central tells me they are up to date. But when I try and run X-Plane with my new purchases installed by ftx Central, X-Plane crashes (see attached log file) It says there are files missing from the scenery. How do I resolve this and get the new scenery I bought to work??


I am sure it is easy to resolve when you know what you are doing :-)


BR Pete D.


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The Orbx airports you have purchased require the "Orbx Libraries". Your Log.txt shows that this is not installed. 

Go to the product page of one of the Orbx airports and scroll to the bottom of the page. There you will see a link to the libraries. Click the link and the libraries will be added to your account.

Run FTX Central and the libraries will be installed.

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2 hours ago, P Dobson said:

Secondly I do have a problem with scenery, I though it might be that the scenery libraries were out of date but ftx central tells me they are up to date. But when I try and run X-Plane with my new purchases installed by ftx Central, X-Plane crashes (see attached log file) It says there are files missing from the scenery. How do I resolve this and get the new scenery I bought to work??


I am sure it is easy to resolve when you know what you are doing :-)


BR Pete D.

Log.txt 154.1 kB · 5 downloads


I think your scenery layering might be incorrect. Please attach your "scenery_packs.ini" file (in your Custom Scenery directory) and we can check that aspect too. The log file you posted shows that, in addition to missing scenery items, the scenery order itself needs attention.

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OK, very kind Scenery_pack.ini enclosed. I did not include it before as I thought it was listed in the log.txt file.


Forgot to add my receipt No for the airports I bought is: 5c801b931ec01.


will also attempt to upload the Orbx Libraries again. though the message I got is the libraries apply to aircraft and currently I have no Orbx aircraft installed.


I have found that the library file need updating to v1.6, but when I try to do it, it says I don't have valid access to this file from Orbx Direct. I used migrate/fss and got an e-mail saying all was complete (that was 24 Hrs ago) but I still can't access libraries 1.6.


BR Pete D.


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So sorted out the libraries problem by manually downloading!!

So just remains to verify if I have made any blunders in the order of scenery_packs.ini


Thanks for all your help guys.

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13 hours ago, P Dobson said:

So sorted out the libraries problem by manually downloading!!

So just remains to verify if I have made any blunders in the order of scenery_packs.ini


Thanks for all your help guys.


My suggested scenery order is in the attached file. I have ordered it a little more logically. Back up your file first! Let me know how it goes? The ORBX library files can go at the very bottom.


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