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My FTX looks dull.


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1) Are you running any shader modifiers (like PTA, TomatoShade, Envshade etc.)?

2) In the same session, are the colours as drab as that in other areas?

3) Try changing your sim season to summer and see if it's any better. It's winter in the UK now, so I suspect P3D is trying to emulate the cold/grey amosphere(!!).




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Hi Adam,


I am using PTA (don't really know how to use it, but know it's good!) on Matt Davies present and no other shaders. I changed it to summer and it looks good again, I don't like how P3D makes winter looks so dull. Is there any way I could change this?



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You may even want to try the basic settings for brightness, saturation etc in the P3D settings (Options - Lighting).  I like to reduce my brightness and bloom a bit and increase the saturation.  You might also want to try some new PTA presets.  There are plenty available for free online.



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1 hour ago, ols500 said:

I am using PTA (don't really know how to use it, but know it's good!) on Matt Davies present and no other shaders. I changed it to summer and it looks good again, I don't like how P3D makes winter looks so dull. Is there any way I could change this?


Try my PTA Preset(s): 263_01 if you're on P3Dv4.4 - https://www.nzfsim.org/index.php?dsp=PTA


The problem with any PTA-style preset is that they change the palette *globally* so what might look OK in the northern hemisphere (winter) won't look to great for the same session/time when moving to the southern hemisphere (where it's summer). Rather than create preset variations for each season (where each one would need a P3D restart to load), I compromise by balancing a single preset that works throughout the year.



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3 hours ago, ols500 said:

Hi Adam,


I am using PTA (don't really know how to use it, but know it's good!) on Matt Davies present and no other shaders. I changed it to summer and it looks good again, I don't like how P3D makes winter looks so dull. Is there any way I could change this?




In real life terrain colors in winter are dull...

You don’t want to look it as bright and saturated as in the summer I hope ...?

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