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TrueEarth GBS P3DV4 resource usage

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Hi, while I'm loving TE GBS I'd be glad of some advice on how to reduce the load on my graphics card. Yes my graphics card and not the CPU. For the last few weeks I've been using the Task Manager performance display to analyse my system (P3D V4.4 running on an i7 5820K OC to 4 GHz, 16 GB of RAM, NVIDIA GTX 980 with 4MB of memory) and normally I see the main thread is at 100% while the graphics card is at 50 to 60%. However, at EGTR Elstree with TE GBS it is the reverse with the graphics card at 100% and the CPU at 50%, the system being so slow it is unusable.


As I've got my system really nicely balanced, I'm hoping that there maybe just one or two key settings I could reduce that will take the load off my graphics card while maintaining the balance. Has anyone any suggestions please?


PS: Please see my settings in the attached HTML file.

Simulator Configuration Profile (MASTER).html

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3 hours ago, JohnVulcan said:

Hi, while I'm loving TE GBS I'd be glad of some advice on how to reduce the load on my graphics card. Yes my graphics card and not the CPU. For the last few weeks I've been using the Task Manager performance display to analyse my system (P3D V4.4 running on an i7 5820K OC to 4 GHz, 16 GB of RAM, NVIDIA GTX 980 with 4MB of memory) and normally I see the main thread is at 100% while the graphics card is at 50 to 60%. However, at EGTR Elstree with TE GBS it is the reverse with the graphics card at 100% and the CPU at 50%, the system being so slow it is unusable.


As I've got my system really nicely balanced, I'm hoping that there maybe just one or two key settings I could reduce that will take the load off my graphics card while maintaining the balance. Has anyone any suggestions please?


PS: Please see my settings in the attached HTML file.

Simulator Configuration Profile (MASTER).html

Hi John. The one thing I notice is that you have High-resolution terrain textures turn on. All advice including Nick’s is to un-check this.

This may not be the issue for you but it is somewhere to start.

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Try deleting your scenery.cfg folder.  My install of TE GBS took 12 minutes to load and was a total slideshow with blurries.  I deleted my scenery.cfg file and it ran great.  I do this from time to time a anyway as I think it gets corrupted after awhile.

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1. Set your texture resolution slider to 1024

2. Don’t use 4096 clouds from REX or AS etc, keep them at 1024 or find a high performance cloud set

3. Reduce autogen complexity

4. Reduce Level of Detail Radius slider


That should give you the headroom you need.


Here are my P3Dv4 settings which gives me mid 20’s in London


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To reduce the load times I've been unticking all unused scenery layers (except EG airports and the European OLC regions) using a freeware scenery config editor.  Reduces load time from 6 mins and more to 1 min 55 secs.


I found the blurries in the PR virtually disappeared when I set texture resolution to 256 x 256. 

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Thanks for the help.  256 x 256 gets me a lot more fps, but I still have bad blurries over London.  I have even tried turning everything to low and I still get them.  Its only London with HDGBS and its unplayable which surprises me because I have no problems over Amsterdam HD.  I will try unticking the scenery because 12 minute loads on an ssd is ridiculous.  I would say 12 minute load time is a deal breaker for me.

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Thanks for all the feedback. I've applied JV's four points and found these have done the trick, but only by getting really drastic with the autogen settings, as follows:-


Scenery Complexity =  = Sparse

Autogen and scenery draw distance = Medium

Autogen vegetation density = Sparse

Autogen building density = Sparse


While this has increased my FPS back to the target of 30 FPS, clearly the TE scenery has lost most of its magic with these settings. On the plus side though, as I seem to upgrade my hardware on a five year cycle and the current cycle is almost up I now a great excuse to go all out on the next upgrade.


I've spent the morning testing and would just like to mention the following points, firstly flying from ORBX EGCW Welshpool, the system had no issues maintaining the target 30 FPS and I was able to enjoy TE GBS in its full glory. Secondly, the issue only occurred at ORBX EGTR Elstree, so I uninstalled the ORBX airfield and tried again with the default airfield, which helped but only a little, so the problem lay with TE GBS and after my tests I believe it is simply down to the shear quantity of autogen present in the London area.


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John, you're absolutely right about Welshpool and London.

Anywhere near London is very choppy while London itself is almost a slide show.

On the other hand Welshpool and other rural areas are a dream.

My other beef relates to the clunky autogen buildings which imho are a blot on such a beautiful landscape, especially the large industrial structures which pop up in many of the villages.

Such a pity. 

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I fixed the loading time issue.  Got me a scenery config editor and turned almost everything off except  HDGBS and poof 1 minute load times.  I think it made a difference with the blurries too, because that is fixed too.  LOD medium Scenery complexity medium all autogen on extremely dense.   Before, no scenery settings helped.

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1 hour ago, cyberpilot said:

John, you're absolutely right about Welshpool and London.

Anywhere near London is very choppy while London itself is almost a slide show.

On the other hand Welshpool and other rural areas are a dream.

My other beef relates to the clunky autogen buildings which imho are a blot on such a beautiful landscape, especially the large industrial structures which pop up in many of the villages.

Such a pity. 

It is a pity and as there is so much right in this product it makes the poor bits stand out even more. I do hope that they continue to refine their TrueEarth products, with update after update, each one ironing out a few more wrinkles as this would eventually transform an amazing good product into a staggeringly good product.

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22 hours ago, JohnVulcan said:

I do hope that they continue to refine their TrueEarth products, with update after update, each one ironing out a few more wrinkles as this would eventually transform an amazing good product into a staggeringly good product.

I hope so too.  If they can iron out the issues over time, I will buy more.   Right now I'm on the fence.

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3 hours ago, ArtFlyer said:

I hope so too.  If they can iron out the issues over time, I will buy more.   Right now I'm on the fence.

I did buy it and now I regret it!  $55 AUD and 2 days of my life wasted, I've been in IT so long you would have thought I'd learnt by now NOT to be the 1st to buy/use new software!!!

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